i have a couple of t shirts that i wear to school and on the weekends when im in town. also flyers at the post office/mini super or something like that. anywhere that has an advertising bulletin boards. also i have a sign at my local dealer. and craigslist. ive gotten a couple of jobs from craigslist.
You can get free business cards, Free websites, marketing products and clothing and Hats.
lawn mower fanatic
I also have a simple hat with my business name on it. I almost always wear a hat when I am mowing, and last year I wore an Echo Power Equipment hat, but this year I will wear the hat with my company name on it because it looks more professional.
Postcards, door hangers, word of mouth, customer referrals(yes it's ok to ask them to tell their friends)
Ohh, and if you see a poster board in a store, a hallway, a rest room, throw a couple of business cards on it. I got a call last week from a local free lance writer that does a column in my local paper called "it's your business" he interviewed me today and the column will run in the paper for free in 3-4 weeks. Due to him seeing my card while taking a leak!!
And you can even give someone a discount or a free lawn mowing if they recommend your services to someone! Just make sure that person mentions the name of the person who recommended you as proof!
"Discount" is a swear word!! :laughing:
Trying advertising in many ways.
Older people will look at flyers etc.
Young people will use multimedia and usually ignore the flyer.
Try Facebook. Look for local sales & wants sites or gardening sites
Yep thats what I did you just pay $5, or $6 for shipping for 500 cards. I think the word of mouth is what got me the most work though after I got started. I actually had to turn down work because I operate solo, and couldnt keep up.
EDD, (every door direct) through the post office. There's a minimum to send, but you can "pick" specific areas you want to advertise. I think it starts at 14 cents per piece (minimum of 200 I believe) not sure what the actual advertisement piece of mail will cost. Check there Web for details.
I'm new here, won't post a link, but know some of our locals use it and seem happy.