8.5 hp tecumseh issues


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
We don't control the economics. If you want to buy the tools to go to oversized valves and guides, or you have them already then go for it. Otherwise, why flame the messenger? I spent a good 5 years working in a very well known automotive machine shop in the racing and service fleet world in the late 1970's and early 80's so I understand clearly what is involved with loose valve guides and seating. The guides in these engines are not designed to be serviceable but they can be. The engines were designed to be throw away's when the mower, snow blower, log splitter, pump etc., wore out. The seat and valve on your engine was damaged by a carbon build up. The valve probably never fully closed and exhaust gases did their erosion. The other option is to find another 8hp engine in better shape and swap it. No home brew tool is going to fix what you are trying to do. To surface the seat beyond a hand lap you need a tight guide and the right tools. Just finding the right stone or cutter for that seat may be an expensive pain itself if you do have access to valve grinding tools.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
thanks i got the intake done and will do the exhaust when the part gets here. the cylinder honed out good the rod is in good shape the crank is in good shape. so i do not want to take a chance on a used engine as that may be in the same condition. so based on what i have in front of me i got rings an oversized exhaust valve and seals and a gasket set. that will do what i need it to do. yes i might get lucky with another junkyard engine but i will not take that chance. if my brother could afford a new engine i would be locating him one but he can't and i'm not paying for it. i will rebuild this one and it should be good to go. i have done my share of car engines so this is just a real small car engine if it was my engine i would have re ground the valves and put it back together but he does not want ust the valves so he wants it rebuilt. thanks lots for the ideas. what i was looking for was the guide help but it seems these are not really replaceable so now to use the oversize exhaust valve and just use it.