Fired up the mower and finished mowing what was left, about 20 minutes worth of mowing and as I finished the last pass it started acting up again. I worked the choke halfway up to keep it running, killed the blades and pulled the gas cap. After about 45-60 seconds it returned to normal. So I pulled back out and ran down the driveway with the cap just sitting on the top of tank and after about 3-4 minutes of blowing off edges of drive it started again. Killed the blades, work the choke about half out and after 45-60 seconds it started running normal, repeated the same process 4 times, same result. It will start back up but I have to choke it to get her to fire. I'm thinking the points. I'm sure it has spark because it will fire and start, just not running normal. Although she acts like the fuel supply is barely enough to run when it does act up. I pulled the fuel line at the carb and cranked it up and fuel came out at a pretty good rate, however I might need to check this at time of issue. Points act up like this???