Sounds like B-S to me. Brand new mowers shouldn't back fire they need to fix the exhaust then. That's my feelings on it , if it were my mower , no way I'd accept it. Call Hustler direct also. Long term they cause damage ... igf they tell you to shut it off at half throttle then it shouldn't back fire , period.
If commercial guys accept it doesn't make it ok. I'd try some different fuels or additives. Maybe some none ethanol stuff. I had a 17hp B&S that back fired I switched to 91 it stopped. For me its beats bent valves. I'd also keep making sure you document it when calling use emails so you can get it on paper.
My manual says low idle shut off blades , then run a couple minutes then shut off. Not half throttle. I own a different engine though.
Call Hustler , no results call Kawasaki......ask Hustler on facebook or twitter I always get better results when its public. :wink:
Here's what my Kawasaki FX691V engine manual recommends:
Ordinary Stop
Move throttle lever to "slow" position.
Keep running at the idle speed for about one minute.
Turn the engine switch or the switch key to off.
Engine damage can occur from run-on or after-burning if engine is stopped suddenly from high-speed load operation.
Reduce engine speed to idle for one minute before shutting engine off.
That seems like pretty clear instructions from Kawasaki for their engines.
You never really stated exactly what engine your Super Z has. And your "half-throttle instructions"....was that the "Hustler owner's manual" or the "engine manual"???
Mine was from the engine manual. Under load , it should never be under load , always disengage the blades. Even if the neighbors cat ran under there.
The throttle on Hustlers has it right on the throttle controls , where to engage the blades, where to disengage. I think there is some confusion there.
Shutting the engine off you always throttle it down first.
I'd either run octane boost or find a fuel that doesn't backfire. If that can be found make Kawasaki or Hustler fix it.
Sorry, Tom59, I referred to user "therev" stating the "half-throttle instructions", yet I re-quoted your post:0). I was really addressing his posts. Yeah, I've also read some threads discussing engaging/dis-engaging the PTO at full throttle and my understanding is "most ZTR manufacturers" recommend half-to-3/4 throttle at most. I think the "under load" reference in my Kawa manual was indicative of either moving(trannies load on engine) and/or PTO load. Either of these could be considered having the engine "under load", don't you agree???
If my neighbor's bird-killing/rabbit-killing cat ran under mine.....I would engage the blades and rev er up:0)
YES , under load means anything engaged. Throttle instructions are pretty universal. Why would anyone shut a machine off under load unless panicked. I mean besides forgetting about the seat shut off. :wink:
Mine hasn't also mentions ethanol at 10% only otherwise voids the warranty if you use say 15%. I know the newer engines are better able to handle ethanol.
Hopefully nobody is ......that might cause some issues.
I run regular unleaded no premium. I spoke with the dealer several times and it seems to be the nature of the new designed exhaust. The after fire is caused because of the exhaust temp so high after extended mowing. It's just fuel vapor igniting from the hot exhaust. If you let it idle for a few minutes prior to shutting it off it doesn't do it. Dealer told me most of his commercial mower guys just load them on the trailer and idle them down while they tie everything down and when all tied down they shut off mowers. It drives me Owners manual says shut it off at half throttle but it still after fires. I just shut it down full throttle and no "boom"