With the spark plug out and the valve cover off, this is what I see:
Intake opens
intake closes
after about 3/4 turn of the flywheel, exhaust opens
exhaust closes
lather, rinse, repeat.
There was no in-between, valves slightly open, or valves open at the same time. And just in case it might mean something to you, the first time the exhaust valve was opening, a bunch of gas came out of the spark plug hole.
Electrical speak is not my native tounge, but the battery is brand new, i've recharged it to make sure it was at 100%. I have 2 cables to the battery a red and a black (positive and negative) I didn't see a green ground wire. The starter has one red wire going to it. All are clean and tight. I am assuming (which I am loathe to do) that the starter is good because with the spark plug out, it spins the flywheel free and easy.