In order to ensure that's content is of the highest quality and appeals to the broad lawn mowing population that visits this site, we have some simple forum rules. We ask that all members, regardless of whether they are brand new or have been here since day one, abide by these rules and encourage other members to abide by the forum rules as well.
If you feel that a post or thread on LMF doesn't adhere to these standards, please click the "notify moderator" link at the bottom left corner of any post. The icon looks like this: Rules
1. Be Polite
No need to insult other members, even when you disagree. This includes name calling, words like moron, idiot, stupid, etc. Think before you type!
2. No Profanity or Indecent Content
LMF is a Family Friendly Website. We hold ourselves to higher standards than other forums. A forum can be fun and informative without four-letter words. (Please don't use profane acronyms either.)
3. No Commercial Advertising or PMing in the Forums
Please don't advertise your commercial products or services without paying to advertise! Please contact us if you'd like to advertise.
4. Don't Discuss Moderation In the Forums
If you have an issue with the way the forum is moderated or with a specific action taken on a specific thread or user, please send me a private message rather than discussing it in the forums.
Violation of these rules will result in:
- Content being removed (bad words, inappropriate pictures, insults, etc)
- Entire threads or posts being removed or closed
- Signature files being edited or removed for content
- User pictures being removed for content
Repeat violations or blatant disregard and/or disrespect for these rules can result in your user account being banned or removed.
Please don't "test the limits" of our rules or our moderation practices. We would rather never have to remove any posts at all, and when members challenge the forum rules, it's a waste of everybody's time and energy.
It is our goal to enforce the rules consistently and without bias. Of course, it's not possible for us to read every single post on the site and as such sometimes posts that maybe should be removed aren't removed. That doesn't mean we're ignoring it or endorse it. A simple click on the notify moderator icon (
) will alert us to the post and it will be dealt with shortly.
Thank you for your continued participation at!
Muhammad Chishti
If you feel that a post or thread on LMF doesn't adhere to these standards, please click the "notify moderator" link at the bottom left corner of any post. The icon looks like this: Rules
1. Be Polite
No need to insult other members, even when you disagree. This includes name calling, words like moron, idiot, stupid, etc. Think before you type!
2. No Profanity or Indecent Content
LMF is a Family Friendly Website. We hold ourselves to higher standards than other forums. A forum can be fun and informative without four-letter words. (Please don't use profane acronyms either.)
3. No Commercial Advertising or PMing in the Forums
Please don't advertise your commercial products or services without paying to advertise! Please contact us if you'd like to advertise.
4. Don't Discuss Moderation In the Forums
If you have an issue with the way the forum is moderated or with a specific action taken on a specific thread or user, please send me a private message rather than discussing it in the forums.
Violation of these rules will result in:
- Content being removed (bad words, inappropriate pictures, insults, etc)
- Entire threads or posts being removed or closed
- Signature files being edited or removed for content
- User pictures being removed for content
Repeat violations or blatant disregard and/or disrespect for these rules can result in your user account being banned or removed.
Please don't "test the limits" of our rules or our moderation practices. We would rather never have to remove any posts at all, and when members challenge the forum rules, it's a waste of everybody's time and energy.
It is our goal to enforce the rules consistently and without bias. Of course, it's not possible for us to read every single post on the site and as such sometimes posts that maybe should be removed aren't removed. That doesn't mean we're ignoring it or endorse it. A simple click on the notify moderator icon (

Thank you for your continued participation at!
Muhammad Chishti