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  1. mechanizm

    Li02 Battery in My L130 Deere Lawn Tractor

    can I put a lithium battery in my John Deere L130 without making changes to my charing system? THANKS
  2. mechanizm

    Broke my mower, dang!

    I'll betcha that it has an auto-shut-off for just such situations. I doubt that it's "broken". You need to reset it somehow. do a search for "reset electric lawn tractor" . It's going to be simple.... try disconnecting and reconnecting the battery and see if it resets.
  3. mechanizm

    ZT1 stumbles and bumbles

    the fuel shut off solenoid valve at the bottom of your float bowl is probably stuck.
  4. mechanizm

    Cub Cadet ZT1 Hydro Oil Check/Fill

    OK, i got my ZT1 for free from the curb and it runs and mows great but I can't get the levers adjusted properly. one side is faster than the other. so i'm guessing that i need to check the hydro fluid. I've done this job on my Dixie Chopper but not on the ZT1. I gave a cursory look and...
  5. mechanizm

    Cub cadet zT1 zero turn won’t Stay running..again Help

    did you replace the switch? does the engine die immediately when you engage the blades and or arms?
  6. mechanizm

    Craftsman Rider dies

    sounds like it's running rich. clogged air filter? when it dies, remove air filter and see if it starts and runs
  7. mechanizm

    Free craftsman dgs6500

    Well, the engine starts and runs but has some vicious blow-by so the rings are shot. no matter, the deck has new blades and the tires and rims are excellent. going to part it out... i can't get the image to load properly. it truncates the width ! serial #. 917. 287500.
  8. mechanizm

    Free craftsman dgs6500

    a friend alerted me to a craftsman dgs6500 at the curb just down the street from me. I zipped over there and nabbed it. the engine fan was removed as well as the cover but it has a 2022 battery and it started right up. The blades engaged too! so I put it with my other freebie lawn tractors...
  9. mechanizm

    POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down

    our lovely gov is using YOUR tax dollars to bribe corporations to buy these crappy EV trucks.
  10. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    show your work...
  11. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    how do you know this? here's your lithium battery production:
  12. mechanizm

    POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down

    yes, let's stay on-topic.... WHAT DID KILMER SAY THAT ISN'T TRUE?
  13. mechanizm

    POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down

    i responded to the above claiming that i'm one of the sheeple. It was HE who didn't stay on-topic.
  14. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    Tommy Mckeown said: A whole forum of small engines not running correct and still wondering if people will switch? the vast majority of the problems are minor fuel deliver issues. I can guarantee that my old JD L120 will outlive all of these overpriced electric mowers. when that ELT catches...
  15. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    too little too late... anyone who buys an EV of any type is ignoring THIS:
  16. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    If electric mowers are a good idea, you'd see the commercial lawn services folks buying them up. I can guarantee that this won't happen.
  17. mechanizm

    Battery question!

    sure, but that's the exception not the rule. batteries rarely go bad in the middle of a job.
  18. mechanizm

    Is electric the way to go now?

    why would anyone buy one of these overpriced piles of shiny JUNK? Oh, they'e going to save Planet Earth, I forgot... well guess what?.... the batteries require a lot of rare earth minerals that are so polluting to mine that it's not allowed in the USA. Then when the batteries get weak these...
  19. mechanizm

    Battery question!

    no, batteries don't do this. when they go bad they won't crank your engine. I never had one go bad in the middle of mowing. PLUS: lawn tractor batteries are made poorly. Buying a new one doesn't guarantee diddly squat. I bought three lawn tractor batteries and one was junk. they...
  20. mechanizm

    Battery question!

    get a "Battery Minder" desulfator / charger. It will charge and desulfate your battery making it last even longer. it can charge a battery when others can't.
  21. mechanizm

    POS Ryobi Electric Zero Turn Dumped on Facebook Marketplace

    someone please buy this pos then post here in a year if it's still running. it's being dumped at less than half the price of a new electric pos lawn tractor but it IS new according to the listing.
  22. mechanizm

    Toro ss4260 oil change - drain setup !

    that's where a reciprocating saw comes in handy.
  23. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    it was a vacuum leak. next time you start it, squirt the fuel line connections with oil/gas mix in a spray bottle, which seals the lines from vacuum leaks. works like a charm. also the oil/gas mix can be used as starting fluid. I put a hole in my air cleaner cover so i can squirt the...
  24. mechanizm

    POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down

    Scotty Kilmer 5.52M subscribers
  25. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    when you put on the new filter you also reconnected the fuel line to the pump which sealed the air leak.
  26. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    This is easy... don't go nuts doing a complicated test and "fix". It's obviously not getting gas which is the most common problem with lawn tractors because you use them then they sit for a while. the fuel line connections are likely leaking a little bit of air which causes your fuel pump...
  27. mechanizm

    POS Tesla Semi-Trucks Breaking Down

    Like I said before... EV's and Electric trucks are a scam and so to are electric lawn tractors. If you buy one of these overpriced P'sos you will be ska-rooed. Scotty explains how the Tesla 18 Wheelers are breaking down before they reach 100 miles! Then they have to be towed with a...
  28. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    this is generally because the fuel lines get dry allowing air into the system. the fuel pump can't pump if it's sucking air instead of fuel. I always squirt some gas in my mowers if they sat for a while ESPECIALLY in cold weather. This gets the fuel pump working faster overcoming a minor...
  29. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    yes, and how do people think that they're going to road tax these new EV's? THEY'RE GOING TO PUT SPYWARE ON YOUR CAR AND CHARGE YOU BY THE MILE. this is all part of the New World Order nightmare. If the Greenies really cared about our environment, they wouldn't be flooding America with...
  30. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    Clearly you don't understand. Global Warming works in mysterious ways. Sea level only rises on far-away, unheard of islands, not Manhattan or Key West... the same people who are falling for the EV scam are probably anxious for their Covid booster too. It's hard to believe that smart people...
  31. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    All EV's and now these pos ELT's are a political scam using taxpayer dollars. they want to OUTLAW our gas mowers and cars and have artificially raised the price of oil to take us in this direction. If you fall for the EV scam things are going to get really really bad..
  32. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    Yeah and Carl Sagan told us that if Saddam lit the oil wells on fire the world would end. The Nobel Prize is a scam. Obama got one and then went on a bombing campaign in The Mid-East. Here's your EV truck getting saved by diesel trucks.
  33. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    give me a break. and just who were these "scientists". notice that they didn't give us any names. my "scientists" say that The Hole in The Ozone is BS. SHOOT YOUR TV.
  34. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    BFD... Just like Tesla, these "green" mowers are being subsidized with tax dollars, otherwise they'd never make it to market. only a fool would buy one. I have three gasoline mowers including a Dixie Chopper that I got all for FREE. What the environmental Commies are trying to do is to get...
  35. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    absolutely.... notice that all of the "greenies" are flying in private jets and have multiple mansions in several countries. The new rules will be for us and not them. like Schwab says: "you will own nothing and you will be happy". WAKE UP, PEOPLE!
  36. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    no, it's totally different. what do you think is going to happen to the price of electricity when every starts recharging their LARGE electric SUVs and lawn tractors? The infrastructure for going electric isn't there! furthermore, oil is NOT a fossil fuel, it's made by the Earth deep in the...
  37. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    and how much will it cost to keep your electric pos plugged-in all year. those batteries have to drain to keep the cells from freezing. DON'T BUY THESE P'SOS!
  38. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    this is the attitude that will screw us all over. NO, you have to fight these electric everything SCAMS.
  39. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    well said....
  40. mechanizm

    New John Deere electric zero turn mower

    Anyone who buys an EV or an ELT is a GD fool. In many areas of the country it costs about the same to charge your EV as it does to fill-up a gas car... and then there's THE BATTERY issues. I would never keep one of these potential firebombs in my garage especially when charging. Home...
  41. mechanizm

    LT2000 won’t start

    the first thing you do is squirt some gas down the throttle body to see if it thumps. If so, it's likely a cold fuel pump vacuum line not sealing, allowing air in keeping it from working. spray the hose connections with a little oil/gas mix to seal them, then squirt some starting fluid in...
  42. mechanizm

    Can I use a John Deere Ignition Switch in My Dixie Chopper?

    they won't cross-reference... it's just that the deere has two more leads coming out of the switch i assume are for the lights. the other 5 leads are in the exact same configuration. I was hoping that I can plug the Dixie harness into it and just ignore the other two leads.
  43. mechanizm

    Can I use a John Deere Ignition Switch in My Dixie Chopper?

    Ok, I bought a new ignition switch for my FREE Dixie Chopper but it won't shut-off the engine unless I jiggle it, just like the old crappy switch. So I have to return the pos.... BUT I have a spare ignition switch from my John Deere with 7 prongs (two are for the lights I THINK) but the five...
  44. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    it's a minor air leak in the carb fuel line connections. AGAIN: I squirted my line connections with oil/gas mix and PROBLEM SOLVED.
  45. mechanizm

    FREE Cub Cadet Zero-Turn Vibrates

    i haven't been able to look at it yet and now it got COLD in Florida. Y'all keep that crap up North!
  46. mechanizm

    B&S Mower Engine Won't Keep Running

    it might be running rich since it starts fine and dies when warm. carbs are cheap on ebay. buy one and let us know...
  47. mechanizm

    Briggs 18 HP Hard to Start

    there's an easy test. squirt some gas in the carb when cold and if it starts right up then you aren't getting enough gas. if this has a vacuum operated fuel pump, squirt the hoses where they connect to the pump with a little fuel / 2stroke oil mix. sometimes they suck air and even a little...
  48. mechanizm

    FREE Cub Cadet Zero-Turn Vibrates

    ok, thanks... will go out tomorrow and poke around. rain and cold coming to Florida! it was a perfect day today though. I got a lot done....
  49. mechanizm

    FREE Cub Cadet Zero-Turn Vibrates

    I checked the engine and it's solidly mounted. I don't think it's the engine because it stops vibrating sometimes. I'll remove the belts and give it a go. THANKS....