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  1. S

    Safety switch problem on Husqvarna Z248F zero-turn mower

    On many zero turn mowers, after starting your mower you have to release the parking brake before moving the steering levers or it will kill the engine.
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    Engine shut off loud rattle

    check all bolts on the muffler. I just had one doing the same thing when shutting down the engine. and loose bolt holding the muffler to the frame was loose and when the engine wound down it would cause a rattling sound.
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    kholer no fire

    I've sprayed carb cleaner all around intake manifold while running and no changes in ram. valves are working and are set at .005 at top dead center. can a warped head cause this problem? I checked it when I replaced the head gasket with a straight edge and it looked good, and I now have 150 lbs...
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    kholer no fire

    i checked the exhaust with water, it's cold and spark plug wet. I bought an oem walbro carb. I tried 2 different aftermarket carbs and it surged so I bought an oem walbro carb, the exact same one as the original and it still surges. 2 new aftermarket coils. right side fires the left doesn't. I...
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    surging Kholer engine

    head gasket not headmaster. my spell checker is at it again.
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    surging Kholer engine

    headmaster not master.
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    surging Kholer engine

    also I have cleaned the fins on the heads now they were clogged enough to blow the head gasket on that cylinder, but I replaced the headmaster and that cylinder still will not fire.
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    surging Kholer engine

    if the diode was blown the coil would not fire. I have put spark testers on both coils and both coils are firing. I also took the kill wires off both coils which would eliminate all wiring and still no fire on the one cylinder.
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    kholer no fire

    I've already swapped coils new spark plugs twice i even took kill wires off coils, it still won't fire. I'm at a loss for anything now .I have to get this mower fixed. I don't give up, but I've exhausted all my known options. I am at a loss but cannot give up.
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    kholer no fire

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    kholer no fire

    I've put new plugs in twice. when I took the head it was slightly warped but I used emery cloth to sand the high points then used a straight edge to check it an it was fine. if that was a problem I wouldn't have 150lbs of pressure. I wonder if this could be a cam issue?
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    kholer no fire

    there can be no fire in that cylinder if the plug is wet with gas and the pipe is cold. I put an oem walbro carb on. it. the problems started with a fire. the customer had an oil. leak, and one day when he was finished mowing he shut it off .soon after a fire started at the back of the motor. he...
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    kholer no fire

    I have a cub cadet zero turn mower with a kholer kt735 spec 3013 motor which, I've just changed the head gasket on. the cylinder now has 150 lbs of compression. the other cylinder has 125lbs of compression. I've set the valve clearance at 5 thousands at top dead center. the 125lb cylinder plug...
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    surging Kholer engine

    I have a kt735 spec 0005g1 that is surging bad. I've set the valve clearance, new plugs, new oem (walbro) carb. I checked compression and one cylinder has 125 lbs and the other has 97 lbs of compression. does this indicate a blown head gasget? can there be any other issues?
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    Cub Cadet SC900 Self Propelled no start

    Most ladies behind the counter have never worked on a small engine, which is a bad start right off the bat! They are trained by the owner who doesn't want to pay a decent wage for an experienced technician. He just reaches her what websites to look up parts on and puts her behind the counter...
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    hydro-lock in a Kohler

    sounds like your exhaust valve needs adjusting. if it is closed and not opening to relieve compression pressure, it will be hard to pull. check the engine brake first. if the engine brake is working properly, take the valve cover off, remove the spark plug, turn the engine over and visually...
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    john deere missing

    I'be already figured it out. It was the carb. I took it apart, cleaned it, and it runs fine. That was a type error. Ilooked up the lash and it was .06- .08 ,so i set them at .07.
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    LT1046 won’t start

    it dosen't take much to plug the main fuet jet. if that has happened, you will hae to take the carb apart and clean the main jet and imulsion tube.
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    john deere missing

    I have a john deere mower la140 with a brighs 23 hp motor model 445577 v twin. I replaced a defective head with a new one, set thelash at .007 1/4 past top dead centerif i pull the plug wire while running on the new head tjere's no change in rpms. if i pull the plug wire on the opposite head it...
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    Carb float not sitting right

    It looks like the float is on upside down. The part of the float that the needle fits into is the bottom of the float. The bottom of the float should face the carb. The picture shows it backwards.
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    Trying to get 190cc Briggs & Stratton to start - with video

    Sometimes after trying time and time again to start the engine on choke, the fuel washes the cylinder clean of the oil film it needs for proper compression. I've sprayed oil into the cylinder with the spark plug out and pulled repeatedly until the oil is pushed out of the spark plug opening. Be...
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    What's this part on the carb?

    I would bet your carbs main jet is clogged wit ethenol goop
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    Troy built mowers, don't want the oil changed, just add to original oil ??

    I worked on a troybuilt power drive push mower and on the shield on top of the engine, says add oil, butdont change? I change the oil on all my mowers each spring. Has anyone seen any mower that tells you don't change the oil???
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    coil problem

    I bought another coil from the same company as the first i replaced, and it runs fine and the kill wire kills both coils as it should. Problem solved, but when replacing one coil in the future, I will change both. I guess it's like changing a headlite on a car, you might as well change both...
  25. S

    coil problem

    I'm working on a cub cadet zero turn with a 25hp kholer twin engine. When i engage deck the mower loses power. I checked the coils, and one was not firing. I bought an after market coil, put it on the engine and hooked up the kill wore that goes from the key swotch to both coils. One coil cuts...
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    SD Blades Level

    If you have some grass not being lifted up to be cut, or it looks like yourbeating the grass not cutting it smoothly, it could be that one ormore blades are installed wrong. On the blade at one end you have your cutting edge, on the other end there is a tab that is bent upward. That tab should...
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    Engine cut out

    It sounds like the problem is in the plug itself. It could be shorted out within the plug. Cut the wires before the plug, instal a new plug. The solenoid either works or dosent. when you repair the wires and plug, remove the solenoid from the carb and watch the nedle valve on the end of the...
  28. S

    Can't find 30W oil anywhere in my area, or on line.

    I've been using Farm and Fleet brand 30w oil for the last 20 years and have had no issues with it. I use it in my mowers and customers mowers also and it gives good protection against wear.
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    YTH2448 won’t move

    Sounds like your gears inside the transaxle are a little stripped. There should be no grinding noise coming from the transaxle.
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    Husqvarna RZ3016 Zero-turn Unavailable Belt

    I've used Stens belts when I cannot get an OEM belt and have had good luck with them. OEM, is usually the best, but you pay more for them, so look at it this way, Stens belts are a little cheaper than an OEM belt, in fact you a can buy 3 Stens belts for the price of 2 OEM belts. You get what you...
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    Briggs & Stratton - Not Starting

    Make sure you have good fuel flow. Take off the bolt onthe bottom of the carb bowl, see if when the float is down if there is good flow of fuel. If you raise the float is pushed up to where it is horizontally level with the carb and the fuel shuts off completely your float is operating...
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    Briggs & Stratton 35 Classic engine, blue smoke + oil residue out of exhaust + Petrol in oil

    When tipping a push mower on it's side, if you go through this process first, no oil will enter the cylinder. First take ith pull rope in your hand and pull on it slowly, you will feel differences in resistance as you pull on the rope. When you get to the point of most resistance, the engine...
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    Briggs & Stratton 35 Classic engine, blue smoke + oil residue out of exhaust + Petrol in oil

    The float in the carb may need adjusting. If the float in the car b does not shut off the fuel when the bowl is full it will enter the cylinder and drain down past the rings into the crankcase. Itcould also be your needle valve and seat, which are the parts that close the fuel port to the bowl...
  34. S

    JD X580 using a lot of gas when mowing.

    Swapping the plugs is just going to carbon up the good plug. However looking at the clean plug, youdefinately have an issue with the right bank. Take it back to the dealer, now! When you get it back, mow and check your plugs after each mowing to make sure they didn't justput 2 new plugs in your...
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    Only if it’s primed

    Make sure choke baffle is closed when throtle is in choke position. Your throtle cable could have slipped.
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    Stihl love/hate MS251C

    Sthil chainsaws are the best saws on the market !!! All sthil chainsaws, are easy to flood if you don't listen for that little poof( small ignition hit). Put the saw on full choke (lever all the way down, you have to pull on throtle trigger to get it down the last knotch, which is choke...
  37. S

    What are the oil filters made of? GOLD

    I've been working on mowers for 30 years or more and have had no problems using Fram oil filters and farm and fleet 30 weight motor oil. With the Fram filter you need the room for a longer filter and a little more oil for the larger filter. I have never had any issues with the Fram filters or...
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    Mower starts runs stalls

    Some tanks have a filter in the stem coming out. If that is plugged, fuel flow will be comprimised. or if a leaf or debris pushes op against it it to can reduce fuel flow. It's always a good idea to clean out the fuel tank and make sure you have good fuel flow. Another possibility is a coil...
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    Help Diagnosing Issue

    I would tend to go after a coil issue, but one other thing you can chek. Sometimes the fuel lines will swell up inside and will look fine from the outside. The same problem occured on the short rubber brake lines on cars. It's not the gas that will break down the rubber on the inside of the...
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    Looking for help

    I could guarantee your coil surfaces are totally rusted. Cleaning the coil surfaces and the magnet on the flywheel will increase your spark and allow for a cleaner burn in the cylinder. When i do a tune-up i always clean the coil and magnet . This eliminates poor spark.
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    Oil filter question please help!

    iI replaced the small kholer oil filters with a Fram filter. They are half the price of a Kholer filter and they are a twice the length and have more filtering capacity. If you have the room for a filter twice the length of the Kholer filter, use a Fram filter. I've been using Fram filters on...
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    New Intek twin runs on one cylinder

    More than likely on the dead cylinder one of the valve guides moved up on you and bent your push rod. I just changed a head on my neighbors john deere, that had that issue. It runs fine now. I hope this helps.
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    Kawasaki FH721V blowing smoke

    The float in the carb will overflow the carb, will enter the cylinder and end up in the oil. I put a gas shut-off valve on all my riders and never have to worry about that issue. It also helps when putting it away for the season. I leave the fuel shut off and run the engine until it dies. I then...
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    Lawnflite ride on mower belt drive

    Check the routing of the belt. Many times an idler pulley or even the main pulley on the bottom of the engine, there will be a bolt or bar next to the pulley to keep the belt from jumping off the pulley. If it's in a place that's hard to see, you might have put the belt on the outside of the...
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    Mower won't pull start

    I had the same kick-back problem with a 9hp briggs, on a log splitter. Mine pulled back so hard, i thought itbroke something in my hand. Not fun at all !! I adjusted the valve setting at 1/4" past top dead center, and that fixed my problem. However, after using it a few times the valve setting...
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    Briggs 16HP Vanguard carb / fuel problem

    check fuel hoses to make sure they are not swelled up inside them.
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    Onan 24hp twin engine, spitting gas out of top of carb when trying to start. Has a new carb. Will not start. What can cause this?

    The owner of the machine was having problems starting it, so he put a new coil, carb, plugs, and new head gasket on one cylinder, then he said it ran fine. The last two times he used it ,it was getting hard to start, then he brought it to me. i thought the float in the carb was stuck and know...
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    Onan 24hp twin engine, spitting gas out of top of carb when trying to start. Has a new carb. Will not start. What can cause this?

    Onan 24 hp twin cylinder verticle shaft. Gas spitting out top of carb when cranking to start. New carb, so float is not stuck. What can cause this?
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    Craftsman 51cc Backpack blower -piston needed

    i bought a cylinder and piston with the rings kit for $50.00 and repaired a Sthil 026 chainsaw, and i'm still usingit 4 years later.
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    Briggs 18.5 hp Wont Run

    you have fuel restriction. check your fuel pump, and make sure when cranking your getting a good fuel supply. If you're getting good fuel supply it's the carb. Many aftermarket carbs are made in China, and they do not have qualoty control. They do not check carbs before they are sold, so a brand...