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  1. D

    New starter works great, now a loose wire..

    I replaced the starter and gave the alternator wires a little tug to see if they were not pinched in back of the starter....and came up with a black wire loose in my hand..........guess I tugged too much..........sooooo I pulled the flywheel {had to make a puller] .......I don't think it had...
  2. D

    Just noticed no key

    Thanks for the good advice, but I do this stuff for enjoyment, so if I can take the time and try to rebuild and make it work, it's just more fun for me.....
  3. D

    Just noticed no key

    I got the switch to work with the short key.....It had a few small pieces of a broken key in the slots......patience won the battle.....I got the new starter on, took the carb apart and cleaned it out, .......I had to jump the solenoid to get the starter to turn and one shot in the hole and she...
  4. D

    Just noticed no key

    I bought the short key.......I have a metal switch {this whole machine is metal!!}...........the problem looks like maybe a broken key in the hole.......the short universal keys do work in my lawn chief..........
  5. D

    Just noticed no key

    I see that tractor supply has an arnold universal key I'll pick one up just for fun, if it works, I'll post back........I have an old lawn chief and it's key would not work.........thanks for the info Ilengine......
  6. D

    Just noticed no key

    I ordered a starter and it should be here today, I've been busy cleaning parts, removing deck, and fixing tires and never niticed that I did'nt get a key in the deal......This is an 84 mtd.......Is there a way to make the switch turn??.......I don't care if it has a key to start........I haven't...
  7. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    thanks a lot........I'll pay it forward when ever i can
  8. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    model 252707 type 0645-01 code 84121211...........the search begins...
  9. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    I'm going to be sure of a right fit, I'm just trying to educate myself..........keeping the brain cells alive...I'll start the tear down today........and see if i can find the numbers,,,,so far the lable on the top says 400cc 11hp syncro balance sae j607
  10. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    I found this...
  11. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    thanks a lot........I have to take the shroud off to clean things up wonder I have not even come close to matching my numbers that are on the starter. I am also old and retired, I spent my last 30 years of work in cement plant doing everthing from shovel and wheelbarrow to...
  12. D

    what is compatible Old briggs starter

    Hello I'm new here.......and I have gotten hooked on these old mowers......I just bought an old monkey ward mtd [I guess] ....It is in pretty good shape for it's years...75 bucks.......The guy said that it needed a starter and would run.......the hot connecter on the starter was broken and...