Recent content by MowManWV

  1. M

    And into the water I went, (with the ztr)

    Well that's a funny story! Sorry it happened to you. Thursday I mowed for a lady whose yard is on such an incline I could hardly believe it when she said "the previous mower got his zero turn up there." I mowed it with a push mower and I'm seriously considering calling her and quitting. But...
  2. M

    Well I can blame this on Covid-19 mess.

    So Bert....when are you taking your 5th jab?
  3. M

    Ran into a real jackass yesterday.

    sgkent.... Good idea, wish I had thought of it yesterday. Maybe it would have worked. Doubt it though. The guy suggested I'd "tear up his yard and not pay for it." There isn't much you can do with a personality like that but I'll keep your suggestion in mind, thank you. No doubt this...
  4. M

    Heads up fellows things are getting nasty.

    A world war would do one BIG thing and that is cover up the absolute fail of the fiat currency America has had since the early 1970's. At least the Russia ruble has real's literally worth what the dollar used to be worth, which is gold. Also, notice how quickly "Covid" went...
  5. M

    Heads up fellows things are getting nasty.

    Um no. It's NATO that's been expanding, not the Warsaw Pact. In fact, NATO's stated mission ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. Also, where was the world reaction and banning of us when we invaded a soverign nation and killed 1 million of its people? Remember the invasion of Iraq in...
  6. M

    Time to make it yard art

    Don't do that man! Sell that to someone that'll get it going again. I'd straight up mow with that.
  7. M

    California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws

    In my AO California is called "Commiefornia" and for good reason. Guarantee you the elites are exempt and their illegal alien landscapers will continue using whatever they want to mow their yards. Unless a Leftie supports vastly expanded nuclear power generation, they are deluding themselves...
  8. M

    Well I can blame this on Covid-19 mess.

    OP, To answer your question, "sure!" Just tell them "I was too scared of getting Covid to go into the courthouse." It works.
  9. M

    Well I can blame this on Covid-19 mess.

    Seriously, I doubt police in my AO still care about this sort of thing. In 2020 I let a front headlight go for about 6 months. I know I straight up passed officers at night but I guess it was simply too cold for them to want to be outside for the stop. Only later on in spring was I pulled...
  10. M

    10 acres per week, $5k budget

    slomo, Glad you liked that! Neat video too. In the process of getting my wife a self-propelled mower so she can help me mower easier. We are blessed to have wives that enjoy hard work.
  11. M

    Ran into a real jackass yesterday.

    Sounds like you know just what kind of neighbor this guy is! Sorry you have to go through this sort of thing. We each have the option of being a good person. Our attitude and how we treat others can literally change their lives and for the better. Oh I know what you mean but that man had...