Ran into a real jackass yesterday.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Lady's place is really grown up.....REALLY BAD. Tall bushes, vines, trees much too close to her house. She answered my "odd jobs" add in the local trading paper and we came to an agreement on my wife and I removing the brush, trees, etc. and hauling those off to the landfill. I've done jobs like this before and my wife is just THE BOMB when it comes to having a "great helper."

So I go over there the other day to walk around the place and the neighbor comes out and flat out insults my client, with the client standing right there! I wanted to tell the old boy off but him being the neighbor, I'll have to deal with this guy to some extent so I tried to smooth things over.

So yesterday I go and mow for the client and the obnoxious neighbor has his truck parked in the way. However my riding mowers are both down so all I had was a pushower and that worked out fine, although it took over an hour to do the mowing. Client was gone but sons were there and I was paid as promised.

I planned to start on the brush and tree removal Monday so I go over to ask the neighbor's phone number to make sure I can access the backyard. OMGosh the guy was so rude and simply offensive I ended up telling him off! He openly complained about "why the men over there hadn't cleaned that up years ago" and well, I think it's really about their skin color. This is an older, one-time upscale neighborhood and my clients are minorities. I'm not one to call things "racist" as we see that term thrown around all the time but I think this time it qualifies.

I immediately left and went back over to discuss options with the client's son. The man tells me "that guy has treated us like that since the day we moved in, he's a very embittered man." However, there are no other options. The other side of the yard is nearly vertical, I'd need a hoist and winch to be able to haul that material up that slope to my trailer. Looks like a "no go."

Also, since he won't let me back down his driveway with my trailer, I'm out a few grand. The client herself was gone yesterday but I plan to call her tomorrow to discuss any legal options she has.

It could be that "driveway" is an easement but that's up to the client to clarify. Either way, I seriously doubt it's legal to prevent a homeowner from repairing their property.

So, anyone run into such a thing?


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
My place is a little overgrown too due to the weather and me working 10 hrs days. At least I am in the countryside and I try to keep the property lies cleaned up. The wild animals are enjoying it which they need to raise their young. Even though I would like to get it back under better control as I got my own animals that need to roam the property. This one of the problem living alone, you got to do everything yourself.

As for your client her situation might be similar as health problems can cause problems caring for her place. Lazy kids don't help and a Pita of a neighbor really don't help. Even though I don't free access to my property for people to do whatever they want, I still can be worked with if they come and ask for permission for access to clean up the property lines. But with you telling him off the route is most likely closed now.

It like my neighbor accusing me of shooting their house with a 12 ga shotgun. I use T shot and if I had done so there would have been a big hole in the vinyl siding especially at 200 ft. We are now not speaking terms until they decide they need to apologize for that. Their 4+ lbs hemorrhoid of a dog was over my place killing my young chickens and I shot into the ground to scare him off. I even showed the fool of a husband the hole in the ground. He still thinks I shot his house just because his wife said so. He tells me I need to learn how to use a gun. He is he idiot that don't how to use a gun when he was target practicing with the 9mm shooting level with no backstop.

Only an easement would allow to access the property line to clean up the client's property and must not do unnecessary damage and repair most what you do. It like the right a way around here. Even then the Pita will cause problems. He really should appreciate it that his neighbor is trying clean up her property as it increase his property value too but feuding neighbors is something I try to stay out of unless it is directly affecting me. I have learned the legal system is the route to resolve most problems like this. I used to live a neighborhood where they tried run my family out. They learned that we use the system and it got expensive for them with fines and jail time so they left us alone. They even tried to take land that was theirs when I fence thing off to protect my animals back then too. One neighbor tried claiming nearly 25 ft over the property line. I had my mother property surveyed so I knew where the line was.

I had another neighbor that put a 6ft high chain link fence that my trees were now into at the time. My fence was only 4 ft barb wire for cows and trees were trimmed accordingly. Instead asking me to trim the trees she calls out the sheriff to complain about it and it was less than a week after her fence was installed and I hadn't even mowed the grass to find the problem which I was taking care of when the sheriff arrived to talk to me. I explain to him what the neighbor did, what I found, and that I was correcting the tree problem. He then when over and basically told her to shut up as I was resolving the problem she created. Then she comes out later as I cleaning up the brush yelling and bouncing off the chain link fence. I just ignored her and when on was what I had to do. I could tell she was higher than a kite on something.

Now she is same neighbor ran over her husband, backup, put him the car's trunk, and then locked him in the storage building. Someone else saw what she and had the sheriff to check on him. She was made to unlock the building so he injuries could check. He refused to press charges. A few months late she shot him in the neck. That when he decided he had enough and left her.

So see we all have problem neighbors and I glad I have move away from that little Vietnam neighborhood. It is still a war zone there and it looking a lot like Ukraine the last I drove thru the old neighborhood.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Sounds like you know just what kind of neighbor this guy is! Sorry you have to go through this sort of thing. We each have the option of being a good person. Our attitude and how we treat others can literally change their lives and for the better.

Oh I know what you mean but that man had no intention of allowing me to do that work. That was clear when I asked the man his name. "You can go to the courthouse and look my name up." Stated in an aggressive tone. This was our second meeting and when he refused to give it we'd been talking for some 20 minutes on his front porch. He already had my name and phone number.

I draw the line at that sort of thing......I open every meeting and phone call by stating "I am so and so" including my last name. I've done things this way for 30 years including when I used to do presidential campaign phone banking.

By "telling him off" I never cursed or threatened him but did tell him "you should act your age sir, care about your neighbor, and before you judge those sons what's stopping you from helping that lady? You have a mower----why haven't you mowed her yard?" As I walked off his land (and I did so the moment I began that reply) he started yelling and cursing, including calling me an "SOB" to which I replied, "again sir, you should act your age and not curse others."

He had actually stated a few minutes earlier "he had mowed that yard many times when there were different people living there." I should have asked "what color were the other people?"

Everyone I've spoken with about the situation says "that guy hates black people and wants them out of his neighborhood." Another friend also thinks "he's trying to force her to move so he can buy the house and flip it."

I did call the client today and left a message, it's up to her to call me back. I'll let that property go and move on, including the mowing. Lady is simply going to have to stand up to that guy before her roof starts leaking and her walls crack.

Oh and one of his complaints stated at both meetings was "that place is hurting my property value." Both times I replied "she's trying to do something about it sir, she's hired me to clean that up, but we need your help."

What a jackass. He must live a very angry and unhappy life. On the plus side, he's pretty old, so the problem will solve itself before too much longer.


Lawn Addict
Sep 27, 2017
Next time ask "Other than that, is there any other reason you don't want me to clean up their yard?" Then 100% shut up, not a peep out of you, zip it, and let him ramble. If there is a reason he will tell you. Or he may simply say, "I don't like them go to hell," and go inside." But if it still doesn't make sense say again, "other than that is there any other reason you don't want me to clean up their yard?" If there is some other reason he will tell you what his real complaint is. For some reason people can't help themselves when asked that question. Sometimes they realize what their real issue is when you ask them that. Once you know his reason you can think about it, and deal with it. I am sorry you had to run into someone like that. It certainly can make life unpleasant.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021

Good idea, wish I had thought of it yesterday. Maybe it would have worked. Doubt it though. The guy suggested I'd "tear up his yard and not pay for it." There isn't much you can do with a personality like that but I'll keep your suggestion in mind, thank you. No doubt this issue will come up again.

I keep thinking had I handled things like my older brother I'd be over there Monday doing the work. My brother would have immediately asked him what business it was of his and then made it clear he'd use physical violence if his work was impeded in any way. He'd have tossed in a dare for the man to call police and just how painful that would be for him when he got out.

I sometimes wish my brother's personality could possess me along with his physical strength and MMA fighting ability. I'd also like his money to easily bond out of jail with. LOL

I'll try to remember your suggestion sgkent, thanks again.


Lawn Addict
Aug 28, 2010
Sure the neighbor handled this like a drunk , but why is it so difficult for people to believe the property value plunges to the bottom of disaster when even 1 black moves into a neighborhood . Must it happen to your neighborhood to wake up and believe it . Example: How would you like your property you bought for $175,000 ten years ago , has increased in value to $225,000 in the last ten years and drop to $35,000 over night ?


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Lady's place is really grown up.....REALLY BAD. Tall bushes, vines, trees much too close to her house. She answered my "odd jobs" add in the local trading paper and we came to an agreement on my wife and I removing the brush, trees, etc. and hauling those off to the landfill. I've done jobs like this before and my wife is just THE BOMB when it comes to having a "great helper."

So I go over there the other day to walk around the place and the neighbor comes out and flat out insults my client, with the client standing right there! I wanted to tell the old boy off but him being the neighbor, I'll have to deal with this guy to some extent so I tried to smooth things over.

So yesterday I go and mow for the client and the obnoxious neighbor has his truck parked in the way. However my riding mowers are both down so all I had was a pushower and that worked out fine, although it took over an hour to do the mowing. Client was gone but sons were there and I was paid as promised.

I planned to start on the brush and tree removal Monday so I go over to ask the neighbor's phone number to make sure I can access the backyard. OMGosh the guy was so rude and simply offensive I ended up telling him off! He openly complained about "why the men over there hadn't cleaned that up years ago" and well, I think it's really about their skin color. This is an older, one-time upscale neighborhood and my clients are minorities. I'm not one to call things "racist" as we see that term thrown around all the time but I think this time it qualifies.

I immediately left and went back over to discuss options with the client's son. The man tells me "that guy has treated us like that since the day we moved in, he's a very embittered man." However, there are no other options. The other side of the yard is nearly vertical, I'd need a hoist and winch to be able to haul that material up that slope to my trailer. Looks like a "no go."

Also, since he won't let me back down his driveway with my trailer, I'm out a few grand. The client herself was gone yesterday but I plan to call her tomorrow to discuss any legal options she has.

It could be that "driveway" is an easement but that's up to the client to clarify. Either way, I seriously doubt it's legal to prevent a homeowner from repairing their property.

So, anyone run into such a thing?

There is probably more underlying reasons why he doesn't like his neighbors. Two difference races, have two different cultures and different ways of talking to one another, that neither sides really understand. And here you come and almost have to get in the middle of something that you wasn't privy to beforehand. He said, she said kind of thing.

This is what they call a conundrum. I avoid those at all cost.