eBay is NOT the place to look for used mowers. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
  • / eBay is NOT the place to look for used mowers. LOL!
I was just killing time while the rain and T-storms moved through our area and wondered if there were any used mowers near me listed on eBay. The quick answer is no. Everything on there is priced so far out of whack it's not even worth looking. This one really got me though. There is more than one issue with this listing. First, the obvious problem is the guy us trying to sell a Yardmax mower, THAT SMOKES, for $200. That mower is sold by Home Depot and Amazon for $264, brand new. I was just about to click and close that listing out when I happened to see another strange thing. Notice it says, "Last One / 1 sold". So, did he have two of these mowers that both smoked? That one has me chuckling.



Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / eBay is NOT the place to look for used mowers. LOL!
A lot of businesses down here who retail Chinese junk swap over any purchse that breaks down in the warranty period ( 12 months) for a new one.
Now the faulty ones are either stockpiled by the importer to be auctioned off after the warranty period has expires or they sell them, again at auction ( no warranty ) .
So I would gather the vendor had bought a pallet of "reail returns " at a real auction & is now trying to off load them via evilpay .
I know some retirees who do just this with electrical stuff like a pallet of 20 Dyson stick cleaners that actually had nothing wrong with them apart from the printing on the cartons .
And I use the Dyson example because I was going to buy one but every week almost there is 4 or 5 pallets of them being sold so that tells me those models are trash


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
  • / eBay is NOT the place to look for used mowers. LOL!
A lot of businesses down here who retail Chinese junk swap over any purchse that breaks down in the warranty period ( 12 months) for a new one.
Now the faulty ones are either stockpiled by the importer to be auctioned off after the warranty period has expires or they sell them, again at auction ( no warranty ) .
So I would gather the vendor had bought a pallet of "reail returns " at a real auction & is now trying to off load them via evilpay .
I know some retirees who do just this with electrical stuff like a pallet of 20 Dyson stick cleaners that actually had nothing wrong with them apart from the printing on the cartons .
And I use the Dyson example because I was going to buy one but every week almost there is 4 or 5 pallets of them being sold so that tells me those models are trash
WOW! I knew that some retailers sold off their returns, but I really expected those guys that purchased the stuff were buying it to repair and offer as "repaired" items at a decent discount. I never thought about somebody actually trying to sell a piece of equipment that is toast, especially at that price. That price is 75% of full retail. That's a load for a return that has no power and smokes, especially a Yardmax. LOL!


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I was just killing time while the rain and T-storms moved through our area and wondered if there were any used mowers near me listed on eBay. The quick answer is no. Everything on there is priced so far out of whack it's not even worth looking. This one really got me though. There is more than one issue with this listing. First, the obvious problem is the guy us trying to sell a Yardmax mower, THAT SMOKES, for $200. That mower is sold by Home Depot and Amazon for $264, brand new. I was just about to click and close that listing out when I happened to see another strange thing. Notice it says, "Last One / 1 sold". So, did he have two of these mowers that both smoked? That one has me chuckling.

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Places like Home Depot have a policy to not chase thieves. The thieves know this, so they go into places like that, get what they want and just walk right out the door. There are companies like Walmart who are closing their doors in high crime area's like Chicago and San Francisco for this very reason.
These thieves will sell their stolen goods on Ebay or craigslist.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
We have just been hearing about theft in the Walmarts in out area. What we are finding out is that a whole bunch of the theft is the result of the self checkout crap at all the stores now. The Walmart here in town has exactly ONE regular checkout opened at any time. If you complain and ask for more lanes to be opened, you are directed to the self checkout lanes. Now, apparently a lot of people are only ringing up part of the items they have in their carts when they do a self checkout, then just walking out the door. One of the assistant managers is a friend of a friend. She says that if they did away with the self checkout that they would reduce theft by as much as 50% to 75%. So, I don't feel too badly for Walmart.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
On more than one occasion I have got to the checkout to find is is all self scan
So I just leave my trolly in the most inconvienant spot and walk out then go shop somewhers else
One time I had over $ 1000 worth of stuff and got challenged at the door by the shop manager
So I flicked the wad or notes in front of his face and told him I do not have a credit card or do electronic banking so I will take my money to a shop that wants my custom
One of the prime purposes of self check out is you have to use a credit card so the store can then mine your shop for data .
Add to that you are on camera while yu are at the checkout so again the shop can sell the data that say this colout shit was bought by red headed men over 50 .
One of our big supermarkets noe boasts that if you use their app, the app can do the shopping for you and deliver it to your door whithout you having the "inconvienance " of placing your order .
Is this a problem ?
well a female in your family stops buying female sanitary products so the computer flags her as being pregnant
Then after 4 months she starts buying them again co the computer flags her has having an abortion.
states that are run by religious idiots will then want to drag her into court .
Don't think :it can't happer hear " because it will and it does .


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
On more than one occasion I have got to the checkout to find is is all self scan
So I just leave my trolly in the most inconvienant spot and walk out then go shop somewhers else
One time I had over $ 1000 worth of stuff and got challenged at the door by the shop manager
So I flicked the wad or notes in front of his face and told him I do not have a credit card or do electronic banking so I will take my money to a shop that wants my custom
One of the prime purposes of self check out is you have to use a credit card so the store can then mine your shop for data .
Add to that you are on camera while yu are at the checkout so again the shop can sell the data that say this colout shit was bought by red headed men over 50 .
One of our big supermarkets noe boasts that if you use their app, the app can do the shopping for you and deliver it to your door whithout you having the "inconvienance " of placing your order .
Is this a problem ?
well a female in your family stops buying female sanitary products so the computer flags her as being pregnant
Then after 4 months she starts buying them again co the computer flags her has having an abortion.
states that are run by religious idiots will then want to drag her into court .
Don't think :it can't happer hear " because it will and it does .
There are a whole lot of people that would call you a conspiracy nut, but I'm not one of those people. The general public has no idea just how much data is being mined on the 'Net and in a whole lot more places. You're dead on with the thought that we are now being tracked and not just our locations. Everything we do is shoveled into various databases owned by retailers, non-profits, and government agencies. The best example is Facebook. If you happen to click on some ad to see a bit more info about a certain product, you will then be presented with a whole covey of similar product ads on Facebook, then also in your emails. It's best to NOT assume you aren't being tracked becuase you certainly are.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
etting off topic a bit but I was at a brainstorming session a few years back.
I was on a table with another club president & 4 young people from the departments I section.
every time a topic was brought up they were worried about how they could get & capture data from it .
Eventually the other president asked them why they needed the capured data and what possible purpose could it be put to.
Nne of them had any idea whay the data needed to be captured or what was the benefit of capturing it but they were ardent that the system had to be set up to allow maximum possible data capture .
Now tese were young graduates , mid 20's at best from the days of large cheap mass storage devices
One was a MCE and the others were computer sciences graduates from 3 different universities .
That got me wondering so when the oppertunity arose I always ask IT staff about data capture & retention and to a person all of those under 40 were ardent that every scrap of your personal data had to be catured & stored.
None of them had a use for it (or were willing to givulge the use ) but all were empathetic that it was essential that all softwear captures the maximum amount of your data that is can

I was hen I understood that George Orwell was actually a futureist and the days of the REALLY BIG BROTHER were here right now


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2022
Towards the end of my computing career I had several opportunities to work with the younger crowd just graduating college. It seems a lot of the colleges in this area are churning out kids with degrees in computer science that have never had their hands on live computers or networks. One such young man walked into my shop and was just standing there, waiting for someone to help him out. At that time I had 2 high school seniors that were taking college courses at the local JC working for me. Both these boys were sharp. I never hesitated to let them tackle anything that walked through the front door. They were also both Linux geeks. So, there those two sat while this other young man stood, waiting for help. I finally came out of my office and asked the young man how I could help him. He told me he was home on vacation and was working on a friend's computer. He needed to know how to format a hard drive and then how to install Win98. I took the time to explain it to him and even gave him a floppy disc with each of the programs I used to do low level formatting and then repartitioning of the hard drive. He asked what he owed me and I told him to just forget it. I didn't even charge for the floppy. As soon as he left I turned to jump my two employee's butts. I was ticked at them. When I turned they were laughing so hard each of their faces were red. I asked what was so funny and one of the boys looked at me and said, "That's his brother." No kidding. It really was the brother of one of my two employees. So, I asked the obvious question. I asked why they didn't help him out. They explained that the brother had graduated from the local JC with a degree in computer science and was working in a shop in Indianapolis for $65,000 a year. So, a $65,000 a year computer science major had no idea how to prep a hard drive for use OR how to install Windows. That's pretty sad.

The second time I ran into a ridiculous situation like that was while I was contracted at a different JC in the area. I was the first full time computer tech hired by that JC. There are 4 JCs in this area that are controlled by a parent organization. So, I was getting sent to the other 3 JCs and it was running me ragged. The head of the computer science department came to me one day and asked if I'd be interested in having a recent graduate from a college in Indiana work with me to get some hands on experience before heading out into the real world. I would have taken a trained monkey at that point because I was so buried in work. I agreed and this recent graduate showed up the next morning. It was kind of a shock. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. It was a woman only 2 years younger than I was. She was wearing a skirt that was very tight and a white, frilly blouse. We did the usual get to know each other crap and I finally asked when she would like to start work. She looked at me kind of funny and said, "That's why I'm here. I'm ready to go to work right now." I kind of laughed and told her to go home and change clothes. She looked at me like I had slapped her and asked just what was wrong with what she had on. I told her to come back in blue jeans and a T-shirt becuase we were going to be chasing Cat 5 cable through ceilings and in the underground tunnel system where all the plumbing, electrical, and other utilities were.

So, she came back dressed more appropriately. I asked if she had any tools and she went back to her car and came in carrying what can only be described as a suitcase. No kidding. She put the thing on a table and started unfolding it. She had everything but the kitchen sink! I asked her why she had purchased a tool kit like that and she said it was a requirement of the college where she studied. I kind of laughed. I reached over and pulled out a Phillips screwdriver and 1/4" nut driver and handed them to her and told her to take the rest of the stuff back to her car and for her to leave the rest of the stuff at home. She wanted to know what we would do if we needed some type of tool other than the two items I picked out. I told her that if we needed more tools than that, we were doing something wrong. She seemed a bit disappointed. LOL!

Next came the real shocker. Before I could get back to chasing cable, I had two PCs that were down in one of the labs. One PC had a bad optical drive and one had a bad Network Interface Card. On the way to the lab, I decided that it would probably be best for her to start with the network card and I'd handle the optical drive. So, we arrived at the lab and I handed her the network card and said, "I'll tackle the burner and you swap the NIC out of that box there." Then, I turned and started towards the PC with the bad drive. She was just standing there, looking like a lost puppy. I stopped and asked her what was wrong. She turned kind of red and said, "What in the world did you just say?" No kidding. So, I asked her what she didn't understand. She said she understood NONE of what I had said. She said she didn't know aht a NIC was or a box or a burner. So, I broke things down. I said that the computer I had pointed to her had a bad NIC and it needs replaced. She said she never heard of a computer being called a box. I had to laugh. That's pretty common jargon for a tech. So, I asked what else she didn't understand. She said, "Well, what is a NIC?" Then, I was really kind of ticked off. She had a 4 year degree in computer science and had NEVER heard a network card being called a NIC. How does that happen? How can a college turn out graduates that have never heard of a NIC? Why would a college demand their students buy a $600 or $700 bag of tools that will NEVER be used? I had to teach this woman EVERYTHING. She knew NOTHING about how to diagnose a computer problem and knew less about how to fix it. She told me that they had never opened up a computer in class to work on. I asked her exactly what they did on a daily basis and she said that 100% of what they did was out of a book. They read about repairing computers, but never had hands on. Their exams were strictly out of the book. And you don't even want to get me started on what she DIDN'T know about computer networking. She knew ZIP.

So, when you say that those young kids knew they needed to harvest data, but didn't know why, I can fully relate.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
We have just been hearing about theft in the Walmarts in out area. What we are finding out is that a whole bunch of the theft is the result of the self checkout crap at all the stores now. The Walmart here in town has exactly ONE regular checkout opened at any time. If you complain and ask for more lanes to be opened, you are directed to the self checkout lanes. Now, apparently a lot of people are only ringing up part of the items they have in their carts when they do a self checkout, then just walking out the door. One of the assistant managers is a friend of a friend. She says that if they did away with the self checkout that they would reduce theft by as much as 50% to 75%. So, I don't feel too badly for Walmart.