John Deere LX277 won"t drive forward or back.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
First thing I would check are the drive idler pulleys, drive tensioner arm and the drive belt. 80% of the time this is the cause of a no drive condition.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
attidtude? i peomise you i had no attidtude, soemm times people can take a text message the wrong way, then what the sender intended it to sound like
You might like to think abut it like this.
I am now 69, old enough to be your grandfather and the bulk of the regular posters here are well over 50.
So we see the world a touch differently to a 13 year old.
What is funny to you is outragous or disrespectful to most of us.
Now I have a hide thicker than a bull elephant so you would have to be trying hard to insult me and when some one is getting on my nerves I just ignore them.
They can find out what I could have told them from some where else, no skin off my nose.

When I was first here I regularly had to let people know I am Australian and we are plain talkers so if some one is acting like an idiot then they get told so .
Even then I am sure there were a lot who made complaints to moderators about my "rude & arrogant attitude".
These sorts of social skills you are yet to develope.
In males they happen in the late teens & early 20's and in some, never at all.

Remember 10 years ago the funniest thing you could do was say POO where it was inappropriate but by 6 you would have grown out of that.

You also need to remember tat this is a help line and not FaceBook so you are not required to respond to every post and in most cases people would preffer you did not unless you have something factual to add.
I could respond to nearly every one but if some one has it I don't as is the same with all of the professional techs.

There are may here who would regard your signature lines as offensive enough to consider you as nothing more than a very immature pig ignorant attention seeking idiot .
When you are seeking help from people that you do not know it is sort of expected that you don't kick down their font doors spit in their faces then demand to be heard & helped.

And just for the record
I hate President Trump ( show respect )
& think Americans who run round waving guns in the air are their own worst enemies.
And you are probably so poorly versed in your own history that you failed to note that the gun rally was on the anniversary of a murder
Thus it was more a celebration of racism & white supremacy that countering proposed SANE gun laws.
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Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I agree with Bert, but would add that your signature line indicates that you do have an attitude with any who would disagree with you. The professionals here don’t reply to threads where other pros have started the OP in one direction and don’t want confusion to set it. They will do so only if they have seen the exact problem before and have a resolution to suggest.

logert gogert

Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
i am sorry for the way you feel about my signature bert, and i respect your thoughts and i respect both of you and everyone else here, but in the end of the day, everone is entiltled to there own opinions.
but for as the other part, i was just trying to help someone, i would like to learn so i can help people on this site just like you guys do.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I have opinions about everything.
but this is not the place for them so they get kept to myself.
Eventually most people grow up & realize that opinions are like bum holes.
Every one has one but no one is really interested in any one elses
And with this comment I have now highlited your profile & hit the ignore key so from now on you do not exist.
I would imagine a lot of other techs have already done the same thing.
Oh and RESPONSIBLE ADULT PARTENTS protect their families not pimple faced children

logert gogert

Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
I'm sorry for the way you feel bert, but i refuse to argue with you
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2019
I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people
Oh I got a brother with similar attitude. He started the business I have he pissed off more customers than he made good business relationship with. He lost over $6000.00 the first year of being business. When he quit the business leaving me a bind as the business was officially in my name I had no choice but make good the repairs he was paid for upfront and didn't finish. Once I got over that hurtle and started gaining customers he tried to destroy the business by telling everyone that I stoled his business after he had gone around for over 2 months telling everyone that he had quit.

He is the type person that think everything he owns or operates can't be touched by anyone else but your stuff is around that it is free to use. He had a friend to borrow $10 and didn't pay it back as soon as my brother wanted so he wouldn't speak or have anything with his friend for nearly 10 yrs.

Like a lot of folks I tend to avoid people like you so to keep me from being frustrated here I am leaving the forum as there are other forums that have more business like environment that respect each other. Besides Spring just around the corner and I will not have the time to fool with trying help those that don't want help.

73's Folks,


logert gogert

Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
what? i respect you i respect everybody, and i am nowhere near the way your brother is. and when did i show attitude like your brother has?
i have never said a comment that was disrespectful or hurtful. and i only have anger issues to a certain extent.
for example:
some body is being really dumb and they think they know more than anybody else and they INSIST they know more than every body else, and wont take advice, or listen, even though they asked for help.
at that point i'm not blowing up at them i'm just frusturated, but if he continues, then i will start to get mad.

( no i'm not referring to any body else here or you, its just an example )
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Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Logert, you say you want to learn. When you understand and follow the wisdom my grandfather gave me back in the 50’s, you will start learning. His wisdom was, “You can’t learn any thing when your mouth is open and your eyes are closed “. This is the hardest lesson we’ve all had to learn and based on my 34+ years of teaching students from 12-70, many have to learn the hard way. 99% of your replies don’t help, because your base knowledge is nonexistent. Example, in another thread you told the OP to make sure his solenoid is bolted in place, because that is how you solved your problem. You may have solved your problem, but have no idea why it worked. Base knowledge says it worked because you had a three terminal solenoid, which uses the solenoid frame as ground, which only allows current to return to the battery when fastened to the chassis. If it were a four terminal solenoid this would not have applied, as the four terminal solenoid uses the fourth terminal allows current to return to the battery through a ground wire. Bert and I have tried to be patient with you and have tried to help you expand your base knowledge, but you can’t close your mouth. My suggestion is to stick to the Funny Picture thread, you can’t hurt yourself there. Bert has chosen to ignore you, but I will continue to let posters know when your replies don’t mean much and not waste their time. We are here to use our base knowledge to help people, but I guess as a teacher I’ll have to use mine to keep you out of the fools corner. Another one of grandpa’s wisdom, “ Engage brain first, then open mouth”

Edit, AVB, don’t leave the forum because a runny nosed kid won’t listen. Just ignore him and continue to provide your knowledge to those willing to listen. We need good techs here with knowledge like you have. I’ll try to keep him in line or get kick off trying to do so.
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logert gogert

Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
yes sir, im sorry, but i dont want to stick to the picture thread, i want to help, but now looking back i see that my replies werent helpful, and im sorry, ill just sit back and watch and learn let you guys do it, ill stop replying and only speak when spoken to, hopefully i will be able to help but like you said my knoweledge is very low in this circumstance,
just please dont ban me im very sorry.