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Short skinny, here to learn before dropping the coin on an old beater.
My primary reason for joining up with this group is to gather some basic information on what type mowing units to avoid, and maybe some types/brands that hold up better than others. another state which will require a stout mower with a front mount .
Deleting till get down to the 420 character max limit.
Miss my wife .... I'll see you again soon Doris
I was given a Simplicty 4210 Lawn Tractor with 10hp b+s model 255707 type 0110-01 code 88041831 engine. It ran a little bit ( poorly) and now won’t run at all. It is an electric start motor, and with the air cleaner off and while cranking the engine, I believe I am getting blow back pressure through the carburetor (spitting gas out the air intake). Any suggestions in troubleshooting this issue?
I have a lc2221A AWD......I saw your pic about the spring.....does the end of the spring go into a slot on the frame....I do see a slot in the frame. the spring is missing from mine.