I am finding a hard time finding the trim capacity of different mowers. I would like to be able to cut most of the grass under my electric fence offset without using a second piece of equipment. The low electric fence offset wires are ~9" off the ground and 6" off the posts. The goats usually do a good job when I turn off the power to the lower offset, but they are not always available.
I can consider models below 7k (I have had zero luck finding used commercial models still under warranty in my area) and I would like it to fit on a 8'x5' trailer. I have 1600 ft of fence line. I am trying to consider all the multiple factors for a good investment and my head is spinning. My current favorite is the fastrak sd 54 with the flex forks, but I wanted to see if I could do better on the trim capacity w/o big compromises elsewhere. I would consider any riding mower with a decent turning radius. Thanks for any ideas.
have you looked at the front mount ZTRs? My Grasshopper with the front mount deck allows me to get under things that only a push mower could do in the past.I bought a good diesel unit for $5,000.00.Even though it doesn't have a warranty I can fix about any problem which have been miminal since I bought it...russ
Like russ said... about any good front mount ZTR, should do the lob... the Hustler Fastrak Super Duty is alright... but a wider deck will give you more outside reach... BUT then you want to fit on a 5 foot wide trailer... Hmmmm, always has to be a compromise.. :smile:KennyV
Thanks for pointing me to grasshopper and their front mounts. The 616T 48" looks like it should fit on my trailer. It lists as 61.5" wide, but I expect that the side discharge rotates up. It provides a 5" trim beyond the outer wheels, but it sells locally for $8000 - a stretch but still possible. I like the other grasshoppers with 9" trim but were talking extra for mower and new trailer.
8k is still more than I planned, is it possible to get ~5 inches of trim on a riding mower for under 7k?
Raldem7,if your talking $8,000.oo on a new one that is actually a very good price,a 2007 MSRP cost new then $8415.00,an 2009 model new cost $9205.oo even a used price on that 2009 in good condition cost $8493.oo and low would be $6370.oo.I get these prices from the Compact Tractor Guide vl. VIII that I bought today at T.S.C...russ