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ZT48 XL Single click when starting




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
TEST, don't just replace. If you don't have a test light with incandescent bulb, buy one. It shows more or less current by illuminating brightly, or more dim. You should be able to jump from the battery to the starter, as a test- make sure to disconnect everything from the starter and use jumper cables- starters use a lot of current and skinny wires will become too hot to handle- could burn the insulation, too.

Find a schematic, too- then, trace the path from battery to switch, switch to solenoid, etc with the test light.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
12+ volts at the battery doesn't mean anything. Need to have it actually load tested. You can have 12 volts at rest and drop to 0 under a load.




Going with "what is a bad battery for 200 Alex".

All circuits must be load tested as ILENGINE said. As in fully loaded with amps while testing.

Don't forget to check all the grounds too. They need some love. Most over looked item on a battery is the - post.


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

Going with "what is a bad battery for 200 Alex".

All circuits must be load tested as ILENGINE said. As in fully loaded with amps while testing.

Don't forget to check all the grounds too. They need some love. Most over looked item on a battery is the - post.
With electrical issues, the first place to check is the battery. Make sure the battery is charged and load tested. Make sure terminals are clean and tight. After battery checks out, keep testing. In this case, before replacing the wiring harness, take it to a shop to get it repaired.




12+ volts at the battery doesn't mean anything. Need to have it actually load tested. You can have 12 volts at rest and drop to 0 under a load.
Absolutely true- I got into my pickup one morning and as usual, the dome light came on but when I turned the key, EVERYTHING went dark. I grabbed a wrench, to check/tighten the cable ends and the positive lug came right out of the battery.



common sence

Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Just for fun. Take spark plug out and see if gas shoots out of spark plug hole when you turn it over.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Was this submerged? If not, why would you make the leap to replacing the wiring? And what kinds of terminals & connectors would you use that wouldn't corrode?

Have you done point to point resistance/continuity/voltage tests on all of the wires?

My riding mower's headlights didn't work when I got it, but after unplugging the wires at the front in order to remove the shroud over the engine, they started working because the contacts didn't have anything to protect the terminals- I would recommend that you check any contacts between the switch and starter or anything and clean them, then put some dielectric grease on the terminals.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
clean ground cable ends




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Read the instructions in the pdf file first. I listed one from Amazon. It is purpose built for John Deere. You can buy a 30 amp Bosch relay at the parts store and make up your own wiring for less.


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Read the instructions in the pdf file first. I listed one from Amazon. It is purpose built for John Deere. You can buy a 30 amp Bosch relay at the parts store and make up your own wiring for less.

Yes, this fixed my Grav.....start assist relay. Common problem, easy fix




I just replaced the starter on my Cub Cadet with a 60.00 Amazon starter, worked once, the day I installed it,
31 days later solenoid wouldn't engage, 1 day out of warranty😔
Not saying you cheaped out like me, but don't assume the new starter is good.




Just for fun. Take spark plug out and see if gas shoots out of spark plug hole when you turn it over.
Why would you care if gas shot out of the plug hole? He said it just gives one click. It doesn't turn over. I think it may be a broken wire.




Why would you care if gas shot out of the plug hole? He said it just gives one click. It doesn't turn over. I think it may be a broken wire.
Not really a bad suggestion.
I had a 'click' with no turnover a few years back.
Problem was that my needle valve stuck open and flooded the engine.
The cylinder was hydrolocked.
Pulled the plug, hit the key and gas shot out of the cylinder.
Changed the oil and put a manual shut-off in the fuel line and 'all is well'.
.....another lesson learned.




Replace the battery




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
If you have not done so, you may want to clean the battery negative connection to the frame. I have seen those rusty or mostly painted so the only electrical contact is a few threads from the cable bolt.



common sence

Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
You have never said if u tried jumping it with cables to full out bad battery. Could be electrical or could be mechanical. U need to first rule out which one it is.




I might get some naysayers but the first thing I might have done is jump it from my car battery.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
You need to test every component. Put a hot battery cable directly to the starter hot terminal momentarily and see if the starter is engaging and spinning. If you have tested the relay that would have eliminated that point of failure. Try a different battery. Batteries can show 12 volts and still not be strong enough to engage the starter. I have several old car batteries like that. I use them on my electric fence. Another possible point of failure is the terminals. They can have a good connection to the stud but be corroded on the inside where pressed onto the wire.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
I don't know much about the Gravely motor, but B&S is really bad about the compression release going bad, so when you try to turn it over it can't get by the compression stroke. It just clicks and sits there. Might be something to look at.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Pretty nice parts cannon ya got there.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Is the starter a perfect match? If it does not start with a jumper batt. the Bendix might not be lining up with fly wheel. If not the case most likely the Batt. or starter. Loose connection, ?



mechanic mark

Pretty nice parts cannon ya got there.
I agree with ILENGINE, remove battery, take to auto parts store & kindly ask them to load test battery, let us know how it goes, thanks, Mark




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
What about the switch which engages the blades. Most riding mowers will not allow you to start the engine if the blades are engaged or it thinks the blades are engaged. Same goes for the switch which engages the wheel drive. If it thinks you have the handles positioned to the drive position it will be an no start condition. Another switch to test is an oil level or pressure switch.



Gord Baker

Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
If you have removed and cleaned the Negative cable where it attaches to the Frame and the other Battery cable ends, try to find a multi terminal connector near the Ignition switch. Open it and look for crusty greens and spray it with Electrical connector fluid. Carefully put it back together tightly. You have an open or dirty circuit somewhere and likely did not need a new Starter etc. This cures my X320 JD when it won't crank. Remove Spark plugs and try it.




Read post #2 couple of times.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
You wouldn't have your blade engagement knob pulled up would you? You would not be the first!




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
What about the switch which engages the blades. Most riding mowers will not allow you to start the engine if the blades are engaged or it thinks the blades are engaged. Same goes for the switch which engages the wheel drive. If it thinks you have the handles positioned to the drive position it will be an no start condition. Another switch to test is an oil level or pressure switch.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
Did you screwdriver test across solenoid terminals ?




1. Buy a meter, which will be cheaper than replacing parts without knowing what's bad 2. Put the neg meter probe, starting first test under load on the battery negative [with + probe on the battery +], and then test at the starter ground to ensure that you have a good ground for the starter. 3. While trying to start [under load], go down the line with the + meter probe, keeping the - probe on the starter ground... starting with the battery post, then the battery connector, down the line to everything in the start current path, ending up at the starter. 4. The point you see the voltage drop substantially when under load will identify where the problem is
Electrical Troubleshooting 101




Yes, test battery under load. If test low charge and retest. If still low voltage at battery replace it with correct battery. Now you still might still get a click sound but you know you have a good battery. Check for good clean grounds. If still clicks you have a broken wire harness end not making a good connection. All most all the wire ends in the plastic holders have brass ends that have a slightly bent connecting spot that makes a tight connection against the male post, this is where it has a poor connection and will always chick. Check ignition switch plug first. Look carefully at the tip of the brass ends and you might find the problem.




Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
I had that issue with ferris
Gravely ZT48 XL - only single click when starting. Replaced ignition switch, starter solenoid, starter, seat switch, cleaned battery terminals, tested starter relays (they were good), battery tested showing 12+ charge. Any ideas? The only thing I can think to do now is replace wiring.
