Gator blades are about useless during the growing season. During the growing season, grass holds a good bit of moisture. Gator blades will make a soupy mess under your deck and drop clumps all over your yard.hello, first time poster long time reader.
to get to the point skip to “The Point.” But here’s the backstory.
I had a lawn business from age 10-19. At 14 bought my first 52” “White outdoor” 24hp zero turn. And business was good. Stayed BEVERY busy.
since I grew up and got out of it I finally decided to get back in a bit after my snow blowing operation turned very successful. Bought another 42” gravely zero turn. Love it.
The Point:
I installed a mulch kit with blades and frankly it cuts like crap. Tried removing the baffles and only leaving the block-off plate baffle and it’s much better but leaves a windrow.
anyone have any solution, where I don’t have to side discharge?? My entire yard is flowers and curb, and adding a bagger is outside my size restrictions and budget.
im thinking about drilling holes in the plate to allow some airflow and adding gator mulching blades, I just want to mow without spraying grass in $15,000 flower beds.
any advice is appreciated.
you are right, that is my only problem. But after dropping $4000 on a new zero turn finding a replacement deck for it (as no one’s gonna buy the old one) that’s not an option.If your only problem is throwing grass over the garden look for a rear discharge deck
Noted, thank you. What would you recommend that will not mulch so much as just drop the grass where it lays?Gator blades are about useless during the growing season. During the growing season, grass holds a good bit of moisture. Gator blades will make a soupy mess under your deck and drop clumps all over your yard.
Put your mulching kit back in and don’t take too much off at one time. A deck, with a mulching kit, can only process so much at one time.
The are other alternatives. Bag it. Use a walk behind mower with mulch kit next to your flower beds.
Buy a rear discharge zero turn. That option might be too expensive
You don’t have a whole lot of options with the 42” deck.yeah I’ve tried slow and easy but it’s just too lush. Even after hitting it multiple times its still leaving strips of uncut grass, idk I was hoping there might be a solution but it sounds like I’ll just have to manage with the side discharge.
even the dealer said “we‘ve sold those mulch kits but no one keeps them on.”
I can see why. No matter the speed it just doesn’t want to do it. Maybe x-blade munchers? I dont know.
BEcause you took it with a phone & not a camera then probably uploaded it from the said same phone.I have no idea why the website inverted the photo.
Contry to what you think there is a massive amount of science & engineering in a mower deck .I understand entirely, but respectfully I somewhat disagree.
mom not looking for perfection here, just a reliable decent cut. Nothing golf-course ish.
but as an update, I did put my mulching kit back on, and put the factory blades back on. And the cut is significantly improved at a tall cut down to 3”. A few random stragglers, but it’s at least manageable.
the factory mulch blades gravely/Ariel’s sells I think have such a terrible amount of lift, it won’t pull the grass up to properly cut it. I found I could go over the same spot 4 times and still not get a proper cut. The standard blades do a better job with slight blowout, but I’m ok with that, as installing the side-discharge chute wouldnt allow it to fit through my fence, and would contaminate the flower beds.
i believe when there is a will there is a way, and there isn’t a whole lot of science to a standard mower deck that makes it incapable of providing a perfectly flawless cut like my walk-behind Honda. im even considering measuring my blades and putting my dual blade Honda blades on it, (not xblades, more like twin blades with a few degree offset on top that’s smaller and lighter than the main blade) as that walk behind mulches like crazy.
ive seen a lot with this issue and no solid answer so I could easily say the most solid answer that doesn’t require you junking your brand new mower and buying a $10,000 specialized unit is medium lift blades and a baffled mulch kit seem to work very respectably. The mulching blades seem to pulverize it so much that 90% of your lawn sticks to your deck anyway, making the “free fertilizer” clump scrapings in your garage.
I just wanna mow windrow free, mulching is great and all but I don’t mind longer clippings so long as they are evenly spread and not in the flowerbeds.
BEcause you took it with a phone & not a camera then probably uploaded it from the said same phone.
And you think this is simple
You have obviously never had to work with dust extractors or air pump discharge equipment
you just don’t seem to get I never purchased a commercial golf-grade mower, not need to. All I asked was how to make the deck work without needing the side discharge. that is all.You just don't seem to get that $ 4000 is peanuts when it comes to ride on mowers
SO you bought by brand name & reputation of a different product rather than properly researching your purchase and then found out what you bought was not the right mower for you then blame the mower company .
In this case then all I can say is have fun playing around making your own blades and fixing the problem that Gravely either can not or will not fix
When you come across the perfect blade then patient it and sell the design to Oregon and you will make enough money to buy a $ 20,000 mower plus a new truck .
The foundation of a capitalist demand economy is the market ( that is you ) is fully informed so they can make an informed decision about what level of perfection they are willing to pay for .
IT happens in Europe but not in the USA because of advertising & very weak consumer protection.
It happens down here because of strong consumer protection although the US imported mowers take a lot of effort to get the facts you need but you can get them .
You were told what is needed to get a perfect cut in so far as deck design but do not want to do that .
So have fun in your shed
I like messing around with things too which is why I fix mowers for a living