i bought a toro zero turn this summer and was using it when after going forward in a tight spot then reverse to get out as i went to turn the mover quit going forward or in reverse . i found a belt up under the motor that was off and put it back on as it looked like it went but it still doesnot move and smells like the belt is burning after i cpl of min trying to get it to move. whats wrong with it is it something i can fix or i have to take to a shop the manual does not list even that belt i found at all .oh and the blades engage just fine and is on a different belt all to gather .
the belt that came off and you attempted to put back is the drive for the hydrostat pumps, is not turning, probably due to being jammed against a belt guide, or something. At this point that belt will need to be replaced.
i bought a toro zero turn this summer and was using it when after going forward in a tight spot then reverse to get out as i went to turn the mover quit going forward or in reverse . i found a belt up under the motor that was off and put it back on as it looked like it went but it still doesnot move and smells like the belt is burning after i cpl of min trying to get it to move. whats wrong with it is it something i can fix or i have to take to a shop the manual does not list even that belt i found at all .oh and the blades engage just fine and is on a different belt all to gather .
thanks i will dbl look again. When i was underneath the belt looked in good shape and while in N i could turn the pulleys and belt by hand nothing seemed to be out or rubbing but then again i did smell a hot belt when i had 1st tried to move it after getting the belt on for a min or so .Is there any place i can go to see a configuration of the way the belt should be? as there is no info anywhere i can find about that belt in my paper work or that i have been able to find on line so far . dont want to try and run again till im sure its right and thats not the problem. thanks ...Bob
You can put in your model number under the parts lookup on toro.com, and look at the hydro drive diagram, It will give you a rough routing pattern. Could of missed a belt guide, or maybe a flat spot on one of the idler pulleys.
You can put in your model number under the parts lookup on toro.com, and look at the hydro drive diagram, It will give you a rough routing pattern. Could of missed a belt guide, or maybe a flat spot on one of the idler pulleys.
You can put in your model number under the parts lookup on toro.com, and look at the hydro drive diagram, It will give you a rough routing pattern. Could of missed a belt guide, or maybe a flat spot on one of the idler pulleys.
ok found a routing of the belt in a manual on line (thanks by the way) and i had it on right . ok with the back end lifted and in neutral the 2 pins pushed in to let the wheels move free i started the motor what i see from underneath is that the upper pulley is spining and the belt does not causeing the burning smell . i can engage the blades in an out just fine.with the gear pins pulled out so the 2 gears are engage it still does not want to move forward or back.
ok found a routing of the belt in a manual on line (thanks by the way) and i had it on right . ok with the back end lifted and in neutral the 2 pins pushed in to let the wheels move free i started the motor what i see from underneath is that the upper pulley is spining and the belt does not causeing the burning smell . i can engage the blades in an out just fine.with the gear pins pulled out so the 2 gears are engage it still does not want to move forward or back.
as to the pulley missing a pin .i dont think so . the pulley thats spinning is spinning hard n fast the 1st pully on the shaft coming out of the motor.
Toro | TimeCutter SS5000 - Zero Turn Lawn Mowers Click on operators manual see page 57 machine does not drive, let us know how it goes, thanks. You may want to save this as your service manual & parts list are included, download at bottom left of screen.
If your drive belt came off & you smelled it burning, it needs to be replaced, item 10 pages 10 & 11 in parts manual, may be covered under warranty.
tks .. i looked at manual on page 58 looking at that it must be that the tranny failed .. the belt looks good besides not being old so guess i need to wait for toro to reply if its covered under the warranty.
How old is the machine ? Has the build date listed back behind the battery on mine.
But if you bought it new or from someone, that date it was first bought starts the 3 year warranty..
waiting to here back from toro to see if they are going to cover it ..it being the question ..will be my last opt if i cant fig it out was hoping for a somewhat easy fix. hate for it to be a major one with the mower being so new .makes my confidence in the brand low for the long haul. im starting to think maybe i should of spent a few more $ and stuck with husqavarna.
From the top.
1) some thing made the belt jump off. the pump belts are generally very tight and seldom jump off unless you get a reasonable lump of branch stuck up there.
From the parts diagram it appears the pump drive belt goes through a tensioning clutch and there are no belt keepers.
Double check the belt routing. make sure it goes really tight when the clutch is engaged and then really loose when disengaged
2) when the motors are in the neutral position most pumps ( not familiar with this particulear one ) simply route the high pressure oil strait back to the reseviour so there is very little resistance to the pulley turning.
As ther is not much resistance from the pullys they will happily turn even if broken or loose. But breaking them both simultaneously is about as likely as winning the lottery.
3) while 1 motor / pump unit might fail, having both of then fail does not sound right.
These Hydro units are tough as nails and while one might fail catastrophically I could not see both of them coming to grief at the same time.
Not impossible but highly unlikely.
4) neither unit working would make me look towards the drive pulley or tension spring / clutch set up.
5) If you can turn the wheels easily then the bypass valve is probably open ( see instruction for pushing mower )
ty sir for the info ..and you are right it was the drive belt . I found that on the schematic i found at the toro site of that belt that even though it looked like i had it on right that in fact i did not . i dont know how to put a pic of it here to explain it but it was like the picture was upside down and the belt was not around the drive pulley enough to make it work right . the belt needed to be wrapped at least half way around the drive belt to make it work the way it should. i had it only on the back side of that pulley going to ea. of the hydro pulleys then to the tension er pulleys. anyway its back on right and working well the belt was still in great shape so no parts needed was a great learning exp. thanks to you and all the others who commented on this thank you all..Bob
my toro zero turn wobt move but will choke down when you move the shifters bak and forth. belt is ok and not broken. it acts likw thw brakes are locked up
Starting a new thread would of been better than tagging onto a thread from 2014 but to answer your question, release the hydrostat bypasses, and the brakes and see if it will role. Sounds like the brakes are not releasing.
my toro zero turn wobt move but will choke down when you move the shifters bak and forth. belt is ok and not broken. it acts likw thw brakes are locked up
Starting a new thread would of been better than tagging onto a thread from 2014 but to answer your question, release the hydrostat bypasses, and the brakes and see if it will role. Sounds like the brakes are not releasing.