I bought a used YTH24v48 from a neighbor well over a year ago, and saved hundreds over what I would have paid at the store. It only had about 20 hours on it, and the neighbor couldn't use it because of all the rocks on his land....I don't know why he didn't think of that before he bought it. It was a bit dirty from sitting for over a year, so I cleaned it up and replaced all the filters, oil, gave it a good lube, and sharpened the blades, and ran it with little or no trouble, since. It did have one problem, it that it was hard to start after sitting for several days....I traced that down to a simple adjustment of the throttle cable...it had slipped and wasn't engaging the choke. I'm up to about 95 hours, and I start it up every couple of weeks while I'm working in my workshop, and it should be ready to go when Spring arrives. I will replace the oil and filter, and re-lube it good before I start cutting this year. On balance, for the homeowner, this Husqvarna is hard to beat....IMO.