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You WON'T Believe What Home Depot Is Doing To Their Customers




Something to consider.




Talk about BS statistics
If you feel like having fun work out the actual volume of exhausts of your leaf blower ( a tool I have always thought we could do without ) Capacity x revs x time then do the same for your vehicle and divide it by 2 because it is a 4 stroke
Note they used "avarage car " so that can be used to eliminate all of those 10Litre SUV's but even if the "average car" was a Diahatsu Charade or Suzuki swift with a 1200cc engine those numbers just do not stack up.
Perhaps "average" is a Prius

And to put some perspective on the 2,000,000 tons per year that would be about what is generated EVERY DAY at large airports and their emissions are far worse as most large jets spew out 100 gallons of unburned jet A1 fuel out the exhaust every time they take off , so a 4 engine jet = 400 gallons x 200 take offs a day on top of the exhaust , and remember jet fuel consumption is usually measured in tons per flight .
I have not seen a break down according to source for the USA but in Australia road transport vehicles ( car trucks & motorcycles ) is 13% of our total outputs . Home power equipment is 0.05%.
To put it politely
Urinating into the wind
But you can dress it up to make it look like there is a real benefit
I drive an 2.4L L300 van on LPG
Cruising speed is 3000 rpm
so 3000 x 2400 / 2 = 3,600,000 litres of exhaust per minute
My mower is a 160cc Victa which runs at 3600 rpm
so 160 x 3600 = 576,000 litres of exhaust per minute
thus 1 minute behind the wheel is 6 minutes on the grass
For a average leaf blower I would go for 30cc although most I work on are less than that
so 30 x 10,000 ( few actually run that fast ) = 300,000 l/min
Thus 1 minute behind the wheel = 12 minutes behind a leaf blower




Talk about BS statistics
If you feel like having fun work out the actual volume of exhausts of your leaf blower ( a tool I have always thought we could do without ) Capacity x revs x time then do the same for your vehicle and divide it by 2 because it is a 4 stroke
Note they used "avarage car " so that can be used to eliminate all of those 10Litre SUV's but even if the "average car" was a Diahatsu Charade or Suzuki swift with a 1200cc engine those numbers just do not stack up.
Perhaps "average" is a Prius

And to put some perspective on the 2,000,000 tons per year that would be about what is generated EVERY DAY at large airports and their emissions are far worse as most large jets spew out 100 gallons of unburned jet A1 fuel out the exhaust every time they take off , so a 4 engine jet = 400 gallons x 200 take offs a day on top of the exhaust , and remember jet fuel consumption is usually measured in tons per flight .
I have not seen a break down according to source for the USA but in Australia road transport vehicles ( car trucks & motorcycles ) is 13% of our total outputs . Home power equipment is 0.05%.
To put it politely
Urinating into the wind
But you can dress it up to make it look like there is a real benefit
I drive an 2.4L L300 van on LPG
Cruising speed is 3000 rpm
so 3000 x 2400 / 2 = 3,600,000 litres of exhaust per minute
My mower is a 160cc Victa which runs at 3600 rpm
so 160 x 3600 = 576,000 litres of exhaust per minute
thus 1 minute behind the wheel is 6 minutes on the grass
For a average leaf blower I would go for 30cc although most I work on are less than that
so 30 x 10,000 ( few actually run that fast ) = 300,000 l/min
Thus 1 minute behind the wheel = 12 minutes behind a leaf blower
Small engines are the least of the worries, when you have rich uppitys flying around on private jets,telling us small engines are the problem




Now you US folks could have some fun here and send Home Depot letters asking their "environment officer" to justify his outrageous claims
Include the calculations for your own vehicles & tool then finish off with a comment to the effect of
"If this is the level of lies & deceipt that Home depot has stooped to the I must consider weather I or any of my family can believe anything you print and thus do our shopping elsewhere "
As Arlo Guthrie suggested
1 person is probably sick
2 people are sick & know each other
3 people is an organization
50 people is a movement and perhaps they will realize that while you can fool some of the people some of the time you can not fool all of the people all of the time .


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

Now you US folks could have some fun here and send Home Depot letters asking their "environment officer" to justify his outrageous claims
Include the calculations for your own vehicles & tool then finish off with a comment to the effect of
"If this is the level of lies & deceipt that Home depot has stooped to the I must consider weather I or any of my family can believe anything you print and thus do our shopping elsewhere "
As Arlo Guthrie suggested
1 person is probably sick
2 people are sick & know each other
3 people is an organization
50 people is a movement and perhaps they will realize that while you can fool some of the people some of the time you can not fool all of the people all of the time .
Batteries whether they be electric vehicles, or mower and handheld equipment, are a government, media, corporate push. The term “follow the money” probably applies here also. It will be interesting to see how all this works out over the next, say five years.




It is not about the environment. It is about politics, money and power.

Act accordingly

Did I trigger anyone?

"My battery powered mower is cleaner than your battery powered mower."




"My battery powered mower is cleaner than your battery powered mower."




It doesn't surprise me in the least. Just making us mechanic a thing of the past as it is with the electronics where only hand full can even repair the current equipment as can't even the parts we need. We are just use things until they break and replace it instead getting it repaired.

I just want to know what they are going to do all with all the batteries that will end up in the landfills. Most of the batteries are currently not recyclable. Plus many the smaller batteries that are listed as not thrown in the trash are thrown in the trash by the consumer.

At least with our gasoline equipment most of it is recyclable.

And like the vehicle tires. The local landfill was feeding us a bunch of lies about they were not putting them in the landfill and they were being recycled. Well one today I was unloading trash when I was them just burying them.

Most of this just exchanging where pollution is being done.

And we are most polluting animal on the planet too. We are even changing the planet's rotational axis tilt by sucking so much ground water. Back when I was a lot younger our days light here would usually end before 8 pm now just yesterday my days light was ending right at 9 pm. The time I was that was over 20 yrs ago when was in Dayton OH at a training useless class just to get a piece of worthless paper.

All this is causing our overall daytime heating in the summer months to go up. For the next three the heat index will be around 110 F. And probably by August we will approaching 115 to 120 heat indices. And we are already being warn power outages.




Batteries whether they be electric vehicles, or mower and handheld equipment, are a government, media, corporate push. The term “follow the money” probably applies here also. It will be interesting to see how all this works out over the next, say five years.

California Enacts Ban on Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers

State claims an hour using a gas leaf blower makes as much pollution as driving a 2016 Toyota Camry 1100 miles, so it's electric lawn equipment only after 2024.




And we are most polluting animal on the planet too. We are even changing the planet's rotational axis tilt by sucking so much ground water.

I seen this article about this in my FB feed yesterday. If it's true, it could be catastrophic.




There is some truth in it but a lot of BS as well
We send more tones of iron ore to Japan , Korea & China than the world uses water
However entire lakes have vanished and sink holes are happening all over the place.
Several rivers in Kyrgyzstan that were diverted by the USSR to irrigate cotton fields are no longer flowing which is turning some lakes in Uzbekistan saline .
We are a destructive bunch of greedy idiots.
I used to think that my generation would be the last to die due to advances in medicine
Now I rather think that we will be the last generation to live to an old age




It doesn't surprise me in the least. Just making us mechanic a thing of the past as it is with the electronics where only hand full can even repair the current equipment as can't even the parts we need. We are just use things until they break and replace it instead getting it repaired.

I just want to know what they are going to do all with all the batteries that will end up in the landfills. Most of the batteries are currently not recyclable. Plus many the smaller batteries that are listed as not thrown in the trash are thrown in the trash by the consumer.
People need to start dropping off the junk batteries at home depot. I have a couple out of electric push mowers from a few years back that are the size of car batteries.




People need to start dropping off the junk batteries at home depot. I have a couple out of electric push mowers from a few years back that are the size of car batteries.

I was watching some video's on how they're refurbishing old batteries. There was a guy who was with Elon at one point, who branched off and started recycling those batteries. Let me see if I can find it............

In the meantime, they're advancing saline ion batteries. This could solve a lot of different issues. Say like with desalinization of salt water. Once they desalinize ocean water, they have to return the brine back into the ocean. And since it's piped back into the ocean through one or two big pipes, it makes the salt content too high for anything. But if they can use the brine to make the saline ion batteries, it's a win win for everyone. Especially since there's like no mining involved with salt water.




The only battery that is profitable to recycle and can be made from over 75% recycled materials is the lead acid flooded cell battery.
The gel cell Pb batteries are 60% recyclable
But the media so then the governments decided that Pb was the devils material so we cannot use it any more
Depending upon the exact chemistry you recycle around 40% of the gets of a Li battery but it costs between 4 to 10 times as much as using virgin materials.
The only bit that is actually recyclable for a reasonable price is the case .
As for mass stationary storeage then you use a flow cell ( Aust technology ) which can be run down to 0 V then recharged back to full capacity , they can provide very high current same as a car battery and the electrolyte can be pumped out recycled then replaced .
But the USA will not use one because the USA never uses any other countries technology until they have bought it outright so worn the IP and can pretend it was a US idea. Aust will ever use any local technology till it has been sold to a foreign company so we can pay royalties to overseas businesses to use stuff we invented here Australians are the stupidist people on the planet .




I was watching some video's on how they're refurbishing old batteries. There was a guy who was with Elon at one point, who branched off and started recycling those batteries. Let me see if I can find it............

In the meantime, they're advancing saline ion batteries. This could solve a lot of different issues. Say like with desalinization of salt water. Once they desalinize ocean water, they have to return the brine back into the ocean. And since it's piped back into the ocean through one or two big pipes, it makes the salt content too high for anything. But if they can use the brine to make the saline ion batteries, it's a win win for everyone. Especially since there's like no mining involved with salt water.

I have a relative who works at a major automotive dismantler recycler, they have a warehouse full of automotive EV batteries they can't get rid of. They sell about 6 batteries per year. If they are recyclable why are they not gobbled up?




I have a relative who works at a major automotive dismantler recycler, they have a warehouse full of automotive EV batteries they can't get rid of. They sell about 6 batteries per year. If they are recyclable why are they not gobbled up?
The house of cards is wobbling




Did Tecumseh see Chondas and battery mowers in thier crystal ball when they quit the business???
They left at the right time....




Tecumseh had over extended themselves and like a lot of bottom end products relied on very high volumes because they sold at a very low margin
Lufan & Loncin & Ducar all moved into the market at a cheaper price.
When you are servicing the bottom end, a competitor that can sell at 1¢ less will take a 40 year customer because there is no loyality at the bottom end.
Some of the older tecumseh engines were really good with pressure fed cranks on push mower engines but it all comes down to ticket price and Joe Stupid Average will buy a new $ 50 every season rather than buying a $ 60 one that will last for 3 years and still think they are getting a bargain




Tecumseh had over extended themselves and like a lot of bottom end products relied on very high volumes because they sold at a very low margin
Lufan & Loncin & Ducar all moved into the market at a cheaper price.
When you are servicing the bottom end, a competitor that can sell at 1¢ less will take a 40 year customer because there is no loyality at the bottom end.
Some of the older tecumseh engines were really good with pressure fed cranks on push mower engines but it all comes down to ticket price and Joe Stupid Average will buy a new $ 50 every season rather than buying a $ 60 one that will last for 3 years and still think they are getting a bargain
Actually they were doing ok. The parent company whose main business....wasn't and they tried selling the small engine division with no luck. That's why they shut it down to concentrate on their main business.(so I read) Sure, they were only a small fish but they had their nitch. Shortly afterward, still in red, they were bought out saving their butts.




California Enacts Ban on Gas-Powered Lawn Mowers, Leaf Blowers

State claims an hour using a gas leaf blower makes as much pollution as driving a 2016 Toyota Camry 1100 miles, so it's electric lawn equipment only after 2024.
It's sad CA would be such a nice place without the Leftwing nut jobs...




I have a relative who works at a major automotive dismantler recycler, they have a warehouse full of automotive EV batteries they can't get rid of. They sell about 6 batteries per year. If they are recyclable why are they not gobbled up?

They should probably advertise more effectively. From what I'm hearing there's a big demand for good used EV batteries. If that's not the case, then maybe EV batteries aren't as bad as they make them out to be.

Thomas Massie, a congressman from Kentucky, has been using the same Tesla battery pack to power his home, for years.

From a Tesla battery pulled from a wrecked Tesla.




I have a relative who works at a major automotive dismantler recycler, they have a warehouse full of automotive EV batteries they can't get rid of. They sell about 6 batteries per year. If they are recyclable why are they not gobbled up?
Simply put because of the fire risk, no insurance company will condone the use of a used battery in any vehicle
Then all of them are unique to the vehicle they are fitted into .
And yes they could be used to store solar by a home owner, but they are not weatherproof and most need the cars software to manage the recharging & discharging.
And of course being a fire risk they can not go indoors .



Jimmy the Lock

Act accordingly

Is this code for "you should all bow down to the communists"?? clueless-scratching.gif



Jimmy the Lock

From what I'm hearing there's a big demand for good used EV batteries

I'm letting all my old batteries go... free of charge! hello2.gif




Is this code for "you should all bow down to the communists"?? View attachment 67664
Actually the opposite.
