Did you give her both the model & serial numbers ?
As noted before there are a total of 5 different belts for the 42" deck.
I came up with a std B 97.25.
So the bad news is whileit is a std B section belt, it is a non std size at 97 & 1/4" so you will need to use either a MTD belt $$$$$$$ or an OEM spec Rotary, Oregon or Stens belt which will only be $$$$.
The shorter 66 belt is the deck belt for the Cub decks that use a double pulley so have 2 deck belts and upper & a lower.
When the correct terms are used PTO or Deck there is less confusion because owners see belts on the engine then ask for the "lower belt" spares people assume it is a 2 belt deck & not the latter 1 belt deck.
The part number shown in the parts section of the owners handbooks which you have just downloaded and printed out cause Boo was good enough to direct you to where they can be downloaded list the belt as 754-0485.
All the & series MTD numbers are now 9 so it becomes 954-0485.
The new search engines no longer recognise - or spaces so it becomes 9540485 to most or you will just get an NOF response.