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Would like a more aggressive tire




I am hoping to get more aggressive rear tires for my X-One. The turf tires that came on the unit seem to load up causing a lot of slip and sliding caused by the weight (I understand about 1200 lbs) and thin top soil over clay which doesn't drains well and stays moist. I've been searching for the 24 X 9.50 X 12 size and cannot locate any in that size. Seems like only in the 23" X and 25" X sizes offer the more aggressive treads. Looking to see if anyone else has converted their tires and also if the 23" or 25" could be an option. Appreciate any input or suggestions.





It will make 5/8 of SFA difference going to the bigger or smaller tyres
The bigger ones will put a little more stress on the drive and make the deck 1/2 higher at the back , so it will need to be leveled
The smaller ones will tend to slip more readily , pul less stress on the drive and of course drop the rear of the deck 1/2 "
In your situation I would go for the bigger 25"
The worry is the agressive tyres will just rip up the top soil layer




I have super grip 23" on my Toro, which is the original size for that mower and have had good success with them. That's why I'm hoping to do the same with the X-One. Just can't figure out why 24" are hard to find.

