Won’t stray without starting fluid or gas directly into carb


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2022
  • / Won’t stray without starting fluid or gas directly into carb
What bertsmobile1 indicates above is quite common on those single cylinder OHV's if the throttle control cable is not clamped properly at the throttle plate on the engine.
You can look/examine at the choke operation of the carb choke linkage if you remove the breather assembly and then move the throttle control on the dash back and forth. At full throttle the choke butterfly on the carb should be closed if the throttle cable is located properly in the clamp and the choke's plastic lever on top of the carb is not broken, etc. (if someone has cut off the length of the throttle cable too short the choke will not get full travel)
Some of them engines even requires a choke for a quick warm start.

Bush mechanic's Bubba and Clyde probably gave it a tune up previously.