Well how many are going to download there new Windows 10 Today. I'm waiting to be notified and mines going to happen ASAP.
I am using Windows 7. I will wait a while to see what people say and for any possible kinks to get worked out.
I am getting ready to built another computer, so I will upgrade it to Win 10 probably first.
What I am hearing so far are good things about it.
If you have windows 7, I would think about forgetting about the upgrade, at least until the last minute. You have roughly a year to upgrade for free, and lots of things can go wrong in that year.
I once upgraded to a Service Pack 3 in XP and it completely locked up one of my PC's due to a conflict with my AMD processor. I was forced to run SP2 after reformatting, and they never addressed the issue.
Windows 10 is basically a windows 8 with a start button and a handful of new technologies that they hope will catch on. If you have 8 or 8.1 and hate it, like my wife, then 10 is probably for you. It will make it easier for those who skilled 8 to understand 10, due to the ability to use the desktop like old school windows, as well as their tiles, which I hate.
I personally will wait at least a month or two to see if any major issues are reported prior to downloading the upgrade for my wife's PC.
As for mine, I have 7 Pro, and probably will until something new comes out, like 11.
IMO, the reason it's free is similar to the Xbox 360. They ran out 8 early, and skipped a lot of things, and realized it. So 10 is sort of a peace offering to get people back on board, and it's a complete 8. Much like the 360 was an engineering failure that they later corrected, after raking in lots of cash.
Well if your already at 8+ it's probably a win win to upgrade.
As for the notification, I have had mine for months, I am running 7 pro.
Wonder why your not getting it.
I don't understand why they are just giving it away. Sees like something fishy going on... I don't even like downloading updates anymore. They always make my computer run like crap. Kind of like it's loaded down with spyware, but a virus scan never detects anything...
I have an old computer with XP that I would try it out on, but XP users are SOL.
There are some serious privacy issues with 10.
Google it to see it can take over 1/2 hour to tur off all the bits that spy on you.
If you are on face book and signed up to a dozen loyality programs it will not be an issue as all your secrets are already out there.
The download from 7 is a massive amount of data and if you are on a budget packet with your ISP it can blow your monthly download limit.
Once 10 is downloads you can not go back to 7 or 8 if you don't like it so back up all of your applications & data before downloading as the only way to revert is to reformat the hard drive and do a reinstal.
Read the fine print very carefully, particularly the bits about what you give your complete permission for Microsloth do with the data it mines from you , your business and children.
Mechanically there appears to be very few problems but basically it is mostly formatting changes to 8
There is already some links floating around showing you how to turn off most of the privacy stuff. Honestly, I don't care if people know what I do on the internet, I just hate targeted advertising, but if it's spying, it's also slowing imo.
I'm still gonna wait till the last free week before I even upgrade a single machine. Lots of code to be double checked over the next few months for various programs to operate correctly without security risks on 10.
I just got rid of xp with 7, so I'm good anyway until they drop support for 7 pro. Lol.
Windows 10 certainly has a long way to go before I will even think about trying it, but I'm keen to see how it progresses based on others experiences.
Personally I'm still more than satisfied with Windows Vista which I am running on my desktop PC. I have bought a laptop recently though that has Windows 7 on it, just waiting on it arriving.
Although I like to try out new technology, I'm really not that interested in actually owning it. I'll run a system that is 10 years old as long as it still serves me well.
Well I'm a sucker.
Windows 10 is slower than 7 even though they claim it's faster. Start up is much slower and when you shut down, the screen shuts off within a couple seconds but the computer keeps running for several minutes. WTF? Apparently there are no programs anymore, everything is an app. Most of these connect to some online store. Many of them don't have the option to uninstall (xbox, weather, store, sports, photos, people, one drive, one note, movies & tv, maps, groove music, cortana, money, get started ...). When I first downloaded 10 I had no sound. The driver that came with 10 wasn't working I had to switch back to the left over driver from 7. Which promptly threw up a warning telling me this may cause my computer to crash, but I have sound now. Flash videos don't play for crap, I've tried updating the flash player, but it made no difference. Play back is blocky and choppy, it is not my connection. It may be the left over sound driver? 10 has already downloaded about 8 updates, and you cant shut off updates anymore. Security essentials is no longer a thing. So, we are back to paying for a virus scan. I get the distinct impression that they are trying to do away with a lot of the basic (or what used to be considered basic) user controls. Some stuff has become difficult to find, like the control panel. There is no longer a direct path to get to it. When you click the agree button not only is there that BS everybody uses now about how they can change the agreement whenever they want but you also wave your right to sue microsoft in court. Not that I plan to, but dang Every time I unplug the ac adapter I get a runtime error for atibtmon.exe. I looked it up apparently that is what dims the screen when you pull the ac plug and it was a problem with windows 8. I guess it's still a problem with windows 10.
I guess I'll let it grow on me for another a week or two, but right now my finger is hovering over the go back to windows 7 button, which is only available for a month after the download date.
...My next computer is going to be a mac, I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of a hipster doofus windows just keeps getting worse imho
And my computer just crashed on me for the first time while I was trying out the new edge browser.
no touch screen, 286 GB, 3 GB ram, AMD V140.
I switched it to notify me when it's installing updates. I don't like automatic, I like to know whats happening.
I never had these problems on my Toshiba until I switched from 7 to 10
The control panel has more stuff on it than the settings menu
from what I understand atibtmon.exe is the execution program that dims the screen and it is encountering an error with windows 10 that it never encountered with 7...
My next computer is going to be a mac, I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of a hipster doofus windows just keeps getting worse imho
According to microsoft I meet all of the requirements and then some
I've had service pack 1 installed for a while btw
208 GB free space. Yes this was the free upgrade through microsoft. My computer was checked for upgrade ability, and everything was good to go.
Didn't you get a file explorer icon pinned to your taskbar or a this pc shortcut on your desktop?
My thoughts exactly. I'm sick to death of Microsoft and Windows, the whole never-ending merry-go-round of upgrades and problems. I want off.
And my computer just crashed on me for the first time while I was trying out the new edge browser.
no touch screen, 286 GB, 3 GB ram, AMD V140.
I switched it to notify me when it's installing updates. I don't like automatic, I like to know whats happening.
I never had these problems on my Toshiba until I switched from 7 to 10
The control panel has more stuff on it than the settings menu
from what I understand atibtmon.exe is the execution program that dims the screen and it is encountering an error with windows 10 that it never encountered with 7...
My next computer is going to be a mac, I don't care if it makes me look like some kind of a hipster doofus windows just keeps getting worse imho
I'd suspect a memory problem. How much ram do you have in that machine. Lots of newer computers seem to cheap out on memory these days. I'm sure not a fan of anything win8 and later, almost unworkable with anything other than browsing the web seems like.
8 GB.
That should be plenty I'd think. Might do a memory test to make sure there are no dead zones in it. On start type in mdsched.exe and follow prompts.