No, that is likely the sticker part number. Nothing on the bottom of that piece? Look for part numbers on the throttle cable too, I may be able to backtrack....
If its like mine the sticker was on the back of the deck and is long gone take a snapshot of your trans ill tell you a model num for parts. The 5hp Suzuki rly never changed parts and the older toros just changed trans type everything else is the same
If its like mine the sticker was on the back of the deck and is long gone take a snapshot of your trans ill tell you a model num for parts. The 5hp Suzuki rly never changed parts and the older toros just changed trans type everything else is the same
Wow learn something new everyday didn't realize they made a non self propel non BBC model of this machine the rest of it looks like mine try model 20622 for parts
Here is mine ( I have 2 other parts mower of the same mower )
Yes, that's where it should be but the decal is gone... if that's where it was originally. I'd look closely at the engine and carb and try Googling any numbers you can find. If you can ID the engine you can work from that.
Keep in mind that it may be a Canadian version which may or may not match USA models.