My back yard has a severe drop off, I am guessing 35 to 40 degree slope, it probably drops 10 ft in 15 to 20 ft of run approx. The only way to mow that portion is to go at an angle. My neighbor had an engine failure on Sunday with a 4 cycle mower. We just moved in the winter and I use my lawboy 2 stroke that is self propelled. This is the perfect slope for a 4wd, I do not plan on changing at this point just would like to know my options if I decide to change.
I keep an old short block & sump of a dead B & S.
When a customer comes in with a thrown rod and can't understand why, I pull it out from under the racking and show them just how shallow a vertical shaft mower sump is and how little a slope will have the oil pick up / slinger sitting high & dry I then have to give then an emetic to regurgitate all of the birds & spiders than have gone down the wide open jaws.:laughing:
Over the years this problem has actually gotten better however Kohler Commands have the best safe tilt angles of any vertical shaft engine I have pulled down.
If they mow a lot of hills I always steer customers towards 2 stroke push / SP mowers and ride ons with horizontal shaft engines.
And I found this out the hard way having killed 3 engines mowing arounf the hill side orchard and the 3/4 mile street frontage that has a compuund slope and two creek crossings.
This was well before I took over the mower repair run.
The Owner also killed two of his ride ons before he switched to Cub Cadets with CH kohlers