Weeds. I must destroy these weeds. But how ?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Getting off the soap box & back to Widgets problem
If you own the property then think about something else other than grass as the most labour intensive thing you can grow is grass
From your photos & description you do not have the time to look after it so why plant it ?
I would suggest that rather than poison on the strip between the drive & fence to pop in a retainer along the border like some second hand scrap 2 x 4 or a row of bricks buried end on into the ground
Then water that strip excessivly and get some blood & bone .\
Apply it heavily over the "weeds" and stomp them flat , cover with wet newspapers at least 3 sheets thick .
Over the top of that some gravel, wood chip, pebbles, crushed tile ,crushed brick ,crushed bark , anything to keep it in place and continue watering .
Leave it for a full year then cut some holes & plant some shrubs , lavender , broom , beronia or any other aromatic low growing shrub and mix them up so they don't look like a hedge
You now have a "no till" garden that will require nothing more that a squirt of glyco mid spring & mid autumn as everything that comes up through the mulch is by definition a weed .
Look up "no till" gardens for detailed instructions .
A little time consuming to initally install but bugger all work once done
Anywhere that is not used for walking over or playing on do the same but go for something like a prostrate grevillea which is good because they can be propogated from slip cuttings easily and you can mix the up with reds & yellows .
Gardens are far less work than lawns
If your lawn is full of bare patches then obviously the grass does not want to grow there or you dog thinks it is a gardener , so why grow it ?
Cheap plastic surround , same mulch as you used along the fence & a mellaucia .
Hundreds of tea tress to pick from , gain most will grow from cuttings .
I had a problem spot in a rented house so I put in over 100 of them over the 10 years I was there .
The leaves & flowers they dropped made a matting on the ground that effectivly surpressed grass growth so again 2 or 3 sprays with round up kept the ground mulch clean
Beautiful scents permiated through the house , blocked passing pedesterians view over the side fence , provided lots of dappled shade and quickly became chockers with small birds .
IF you work with nature life will be a lot easier and no matter what nature always wins


Feb 21, 2015
Thanks for the feedback guys :)

Since my last post, Using Glypho, I gave the driveway a spray, but also, using low pressure in my pump-spray bottle, I spot sprayed the weeds on the front and back lawns. One thing I was wondering though, how much is needed in order to be effective? I pumped the bottle to low pressure so only minimal came out, then I gave a quick spray on the leaves of the weed. this is enough isn't it ?
I didn't use the Bin-Die yet, figured as I'm spraying with Glypho, I'd try knock out what I could see with that first, then come back later for any missed ones with the Bin-Die.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Glypho is non selective weed killer that is not always effective at killing broadleaf plants. Clover especially tend to regrow. This why 2-4D Amine was suggested as it kills broadleaf plant including their root system. Besides 2-4D tends to leave the desirable grasses intact.

Now the Bin-Die specs I read online sounds familiar to 2-4D on it being selective for broadleaf plants.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bindi & clover is best killed with nothing more than 2 rounded tablespoons of Iron Sulphate dissolved in 5 litres of water
Cheap, not toxic to the soil , earthworms or any of the beneficial micro organisms in the soil.
The only down side is it will drop the pH around the area where it was sprayed for a couple of months so occasionally you have to do a follow up dusting with an alkaline pH increasing agent like dolomite, garden lime or potash
Garden lime can be sprayed on as it will form a suspension in warm water
Or you could just treat the whole lawn with blood & bone
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Forum Newbie
Oct 16, 2022
It is necessary to clear the ground of weeds. Use special means, poison for soil.


Forum Newbie
Jan 31, 2023
Hi there! Weeds can be a hassle, but don't worry, there are plenty of safe and effective options for you and your pets. Have you considered using a weed barrier under the gravel or using a vinegar or boiling water solution for spot treatment? Another option is to incorporate landscape design by adding mulch or stones around the base of plants to smother weeds. If you're looking for professional help, check out https://jscustomlandscaping.com for all your landscaping needs. Good luck!
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