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Walmart to Carry New Snapper Mowers with Briggs & Stratton Engines




Here's an article that mite be of interest to snapper owns if they already don't know.

Walmart to Carry New Snapper Mowers with Briggs & Stratton Engines

MILWAUKEE, Wis., January 17, 2013 Briggs & Stratton Corporation (NYSE: BGG) announced today that three Snapper branded walk mower models will be sold at Walmart beginning this month. Manufactured in cooperation with one of Briggs & Stratton痴 trusted engine customers, these new Snapper mowers tout a top-performing cutting deck and other key features that will satisfy the mowing needs of Walmart痴 customers.

展e are pleased to announce this highly competitive offering of Snapper walk mowers at Walmart, said Jeff Coad, vice president of marketing, Briggs & Stratton Products Group. 典his lineup will fit any budget and we are thrilled that it will be introduced on such a national stage.?/p> 典hese new Snapper mowers will join the Murray branded walk mower lineup successfully introduced last year at Walmart, as well as a new Murray branded handheld line for 2013, to create a strong, cohesive lineup of power equipment brands for the Walmart customer, Coad says.
Additionally, all walk and ride mowers sold at Walmart feature powerful, highly efficient Briggs & Stratton engines that, along with the mowers themselves, are assembled in the United States.
A key element of the program is a nationwide integrated dealer-service network capable of selling and servicing this line of Snapper products. Embracing this philosophy, Snapper dealers will also sell these walk mower models and offer service for Walmart-purchased walk mowers.
The standard features that come on the Snapper SP70, SP80 and SP90 walk mower models include:

  • Powerful, trusted Briggs & Stratton engines with ReadyStart easy starting feature and Fresh Start fuel preserver cap
  • Self-propelled for easier mowing
  • 21″, 3-n-1 durable steel mower decks that bag, mulch and side discharge
  • Cushioned handle grips for comfort
  • Single- or dual-point height of cut for easier adjustment
  • Three-year residential warranty




Yea the decks on them mowers look just like the murray sitting next to it in the store too....wtf?




Yea the decks on them mowers look just like the murray sitting next to it in the store too....wtf?

The ones I saw was the cheap front wheel drive ones. I think this is a bad move by snapper.
What makes snapper the best is there decks I hope they don't change that.

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Man i swear snapper is using murray decks because the snapper bag fits the murrays walmart sells




I guess I will hold on to the ones I have. I hope the pro mowers stay the same as they are now.

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Yea me too




Briggs and Stratton owns Snapper and Murray. Could be why they look the same.

Our Brands : BASCO


Looks like you have to get to the commercial grade to get what we're used to seeing.

http://www.snapper.com/push-mowers/Commercial Mowers/




As a service center for two Walmart stores, and per my Briggs rep, Walmart will be selling three models of Snapper pushmowers, manufacturered by MTD, and serviced and warrantied through Snapper dealers nationwide.

Last year Walmart started selling Murray branded mowers, The Murray brand riders were made by MTD, some of the Murray pushmowers were made by MTD and some were made by Husqvarna. Now are you confused. How about somebody calling my shop saying I have a Murray pushmower, and I ask for a model number, and they don't know, or can't read it. So is it a Murray made Murray, A MTD made Murray, or a Husqvarna made Murray.




So is it a Murray made Murray, A MTD made Murray, or a Husqvarna made Murray.

Well that'll make your head spin.:confused2:

Does the Briggs and Stratton Snapper still make the Snapper mowers we all know?




IL, we do the same as we have done in the past. We try to help that customer the best we can and then listen to them when they say one of three things. You guys charge too much, I'm not going to have it repaired, but can you give me the part number if I change my mind. At that price, I'll just go buy another mower, most likely at the big box store. I thought you were a repair shop, why can't you find the right parts? You're all a bunch of crooks. Isn't it a great time to be in this business. I'll say it again, buy from a dealer.




IL, we do the same as we have done in the past. We try to help that customer the best we can and then listen to them when they say one of three things. You guys charge too much, I'm not going to have it repaired, but can you give me the part number if I change my mind. At that price, I'll just go buy another mower, most likely at the big box store. I thought you were a repair shop, why can't you find the right parts? You're all a bunch of crooks. Isn't it a great time to be in this business. I'll say it again, buy from a dealer.

I know the feeling Rivets, I was just being sarcastic about the figuring out what kind of Murray they own. I which people would just buy from the dealers. People would get better service, the mower shops would be more profitable, which would slow or stop the decline of mower repair shops, and unlike the big box stores would actually know what they are selling, and could assist the customer in making the best purchase for there money.

As a service center assigned to two Walmart stores, and a Menard's it gets to be a pain in the butt, and I here the same things that you do, We are too expensive, parts are too expensive, and why does it cost so much to repair my lawnmower, it not a car or truck, it shouldn't cost hundred of dollars to repair my rider.

Consumers don't take into the account that we have overhead expenses, ongoing training requirements, special tool purchases that sometimes can cost hundreds themselves, and then may not use that tool more than once a year or less.




That's nothing new. I was at Wal-Mart maybe 5 or 6 years ago and they had a one 28" riding mower in their overflow section and thought it was odd Wal-Mart was selling mowers around the dealers.

I buy nothing that has been sitting outside in the weather for months. Rusty fasteners, oxidized plastic, etc.

Tractor Supply is bad about that. They park just about everything outside either in a fenced in lot or out front chained up.




My dealer put it this way. I may have the order wrong but Bolens bought, Snapper, Someone else I can't remember bought Bolens, then Briggs bought the conglomerate. I have seen the mowers at Wal-Mart and they are just using the Snapper name for reputation and advertising. The three they feature are nothing like the HI-Vacs I have in quality or construction. May have a decent engine...it is a Briggs. But the front drive mowers can't compare to the disc drive transmissions. I just bought a Professional line Hi Vac with electric start from my dealer and it is the same in most respects as my 26 year old Hi-Vac it will supplant. Yes, the Wal-Mart mowers do resemble the old Murray I bought in 1972 in an Army PX but it was blue! My new one has pressurized oil pump and filter and OHV. They cut corners with the partially plastic wheels. They can be replaced. But it did come with a mulching plug as well as the big door bag and a twin ended Ninja Mulching Blade. My Thatcherizer still fits as do all the old attachments. They now recommend 89 octane fuel and an ethanol killer additive to save fuel systems. The cap has a capability of holding a small shot glass cup of fuel stabilizer. Everything else remains olde Snapper!

BTW, one of my dealers I use quit carrying Snapper. I bet it was the old corporate "take our entire line or goodby" philosophy. The dealer says "anyone who owns a Snapper buys a new Snapper. They are the best vacuuming mower on the market...bar none".




Bolens is owned by MTD, Snapper is owned by Simplicity which is owned by Briggs. MTD is making the Walmart snapper mowers, as well as the Murray riders, and some of the push mowers, Husqvarna is making the rest of the push mowers for Walmart.
