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Walker overheated




I have a walker MTGHS serial number 121299 with kholer motor. It has been overheating the last couple of weeks. I have pulled off the back plate that guards the oil cooler and cleaned it. I have checked fuel pressure and it does maintain at 39 to 40 psi. New oil and air filters have about eight hours on them, I am unsure if it’s a sensor that’s going bad or what. I do have a crack in the top of my fuel tank that I have patched with JB Weld, I don’t know if those tanks are supposed to run under a negative. If so, could that be causing my motor to run hotter to push fuel?




Will need to know what model and spec of Kohler engine you have. From your description sounds like EFI. What indication are you getting that the engine is overheating.




Will need to know what model and spec of Kohler engine you have. From your description sounds like EFI. What indication are you getting that the engine is overheating.
It is a Bosch EFI model I believe. My yellow check engine light come on, then a short while after my cylinder head light come on. Problem is the yellow some time beeps at me and other times it doesn’t.




Have you pulled the blower housing off and cleaned the cylinder fins? Model type and code no off the engine would help.




I personally have not cleaned the fins, that’s on the list of this to do. I have had it in the shop a couple of times for oil leaks.




If the cooling fins around the head and cylinders on air cooled engines are blocked will cause overheating and in some cases engine damage..




And doubley so on a walker or hopper with a catcher over the engine
MY customers come in rvery 6 months for services and it takes hours just to clean all of the fine clippings out of the engine & mower
