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Walk Behind Mower




I didn't see a thread on 'walk behind' mowers. I'm in the market for a walk behind w/48" deck, belt drive (can't afford hydro) and striping kit. Prefer Kawasaki engine and the newer style ergo handle/controls. $3k seems to the price point. I've looked at Exmak, Gravely and Bob Cat.

Looking for opinions (and I know you all have one) and suggestions. Mower will be used for my lawn, approx. 1 acre and around the pond. I mow my pastures w/my JD and 5' bush hog or my cub cadet 1450 w/44" deck when I need to stay out of the house and out of my wife's hair:mur:...............


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Which mower did you end up getting?? I would have suggested the Exmark.
