I'm sure ill get flamed for Asking (fire away if deserved). Was looking online at HD at a 3 in 1 yard machine push mower (grew up pushing lawn boys so I don't mind) with a Briggs that was $240 the Hondas are kinda priced out of my range for new mowers.
I've got basically that same mower since 2008 except it says Craftsman on it and is self propelled. The deck is pretty much the same.
It's OK for what it is - don't much care for the flathead engine - it seems to be down on power as it bogs easily when the grass got somewhat high.
Forget about mulching if the grass is got overgrown or even a little long - it clumps like crazy and you'll end up blowing it afterwards to disperse it.
It's OK as a side discharge - if the grass is high it will plug up the output opening.
Bag is very small - plan on emptying frequently.
That being said, it has been reliable for me. I change the oil 1-2x a season (2x since I had been mowing .4 acres with it the past year and a half), replace the drive wheels every year (the plastic strips), plugs and air filter every year. It starts reliably, uses little to no oil and is OK that way.
Don't know I'd want to do many lawns with it as the cut quality, even with a sharp blade is just OK. Didn't realize that until I upgraded to a rider a month ago.
I'd look at a Toro or Lawn Boy and spend a little extra $$. Definitely look for something with an OHV engine - they tend to use less fuel and are quieter. Not a fan of anything Honda - overrated mediocre stuff, IMHO.
A few other things you will need will be a gas or battery string trimmer (depending on the size of the lawns you may get away with a battery one) as well as some sort of blower. You're going to have to trim around stuff as well as blow (or sweep) off your debris.