Your carb appears to be the dual throat Nikki type.
If you have ever seen i trun ok without a choke you have hope. Some of the China types even when new never run right.
Here is some links about that carb.
I've at times while the carb is still on the engine and running weird and also needing a chole is remove the top plate on the carb that has the three screws and use about 25#'s of air pressure into the slots. Be carful of your eyes because this will blow gas out of the carb bowl and upwards towards face. Their are couple of very teeny slots on each side that a tag wire will not even go into and this will flush them slots. You can look at exploded views of the carb at the outdoors link and get the idea.
Here is a parts list at jacks that I seen.
Here is some info I've saved about Nikki carbs and repair kits for the different types and how to repair in a logical manner. If none of the links work or the video don't run just do a search using the hints for such.
With patience this will get you going if it's actually the carb.
I've seen them carbs do some weird things, like one cylinder be completely dead because the left and right chambers are completely separate. You can get an idea which cylinder/carb chamber is running lean sometimes by looking at the spark plugs and comparing their color. I've also seen them carbs cause a backfire/sputtering that acts like bad valves.
Clone replacements carbs are a roll the dice thing, but I have taken parts from clones and used in OEM and got a good run.
5 2017
Small engines repairs links
Carbs, etc
Nikki dual throat carb repair/rebuilding links
Nikki dual throat carb tips and re-building LINK.
Guy asks about jets sizing and re-building a dual throat Nikki carb
You tube video part 1: (newer style aluminum float bowl Nikki
) USE KIT 54832 @ $7
part 2
(older model with steel float bowl) USE KIT 54833 or 54834 @ $9 each depending on the style of Nikki. See part 2 of the video to determine which kit needed.
Search on-line for
VITON o-rings for Briggs & Stratton Nikki carburetor main jets rebuild kit
VITON o-rings for Briggs & Stratton Nikki carburetor main jets rebuild kit for sale
Link with good info about trying to get a good run with Nikki dual throat carb on a Briggs Twin engine
Briggs V-Twin Model 44M777 0148 B1. SN 081212YG On a John Deere Lawn Tractor Engine has a Nikki dual carb. When I removed the bowl, both main jets fell out. They look identical, but it turns out there is a Left and Right main jet and they are different. There are no makings on the jets...
AND lots of info about part numbers of jets, jet sizing.
left jet =1.18mm= .046 inches 792296
Right jet =1.22mm= .048 inches 842627
I’ve drilled both jets on the two barrel Nikki’s to .045=1.14mm
When looking for Nikki carb parts and you have a part number use Briggs as the part number instead of Nikki
Also for Briggs Nikki parts check out sawzill click on the menu link in the upper left corner and select Briggs for the Nikki parts list.
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