Re: Used to run but won't start now " 8hp 32" lawn tractor with electric start
the parts list indicates it is a magneto but I see a condenser and a contact breaker in the parts list
I did not know that a magneto used contacts. now I do not know what I have.
I removed the nut that removes the fan screen and there is a large washer under the fan screen.
Under the washer is a white plastic part with 4 protrusions that key into notches in the fan/blower. I am hesitant to go further because I am afraid of messing up any timing
i did not see a flywheel key but I think that is because I have no gone far enough.
i have attached 2 pages from the manual

I seems that everything I have done so far has created a chain of new problems
I started with everything running fine, just a little rough and eating a lot of gas.
I tried to adjust the carb from the manual which resulted in the engine not starting
then my friend decided to rebuild the Carb which has now exposed a weak spark and the engine wont start
please help if possible