I am the dumb wife who was trying to be helpful by mowing the grass. While mowing, it sounded funny, so I thought maybe it needed a little oil (my husband had recently changed the oil because the mower is fairly new. I went to the garage and grabbed the bottle of oil that was sitting near where the lawn mower sits. Apparently it was 2-stroke oil that is supposed to be added to gasoline for our weed eater (didn't know that at the time). I poured it into the engine and checked the dipstick. It made a little whistle sound and I thought maybe that was just what it needed. I went to start the mower and the pull rope was hard to pull at first. Then it felt normal and the engine started right up. I made it about half way around the yard and it started to smell like our weed eater engine and it started t emit smoke/exhaust like it too. I turned it off and returned the mower to the garage. Have I ruined our lawn mower? What do we do now?