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Turbine Kit For Wet/Sticky Snow




I have been reading and watching video's on tightning the tolorance's of the turbine's on two stage blowers by adding rubber paddel extenders, they claim great results in all snow especially wet sticky snow.

Has anyone tried this, is it really as good as claimed?




Works good ....
BUT do Not use sheet metal screws (they can come out),
Don't use a Heavy or Thick material (It can separate, and jam in the clearance bending or breaking things).
... How much clearance do you have? and is it the Same all the way around? :smile::smile:KennyV




I have around 1/2 inch, I wondered about self taping screws I was considering using 1/4" bolts with locking nuts.

Good point on checking the whole way around I will check that!

What type and thickness of rubber flap did you use?





Use quarter inch bolts with washers & loctite the nuts, stainless steel...
if you have 1/2 inch space all the way around, you will see a huge improvement ... get a piece of belting used in a big round Baler. (Tractor Supply sells it by the foot) it's around 7 or 8 inches wide & 3 ply thick just under 1/4 inch...
The stuff is very rigid, and can be cut fairly easy, placed where you need it and bolted tight.... fire it up and it will self shape as it spins, if it is too tight you can (carefully) grind off the leading edge. You will likely Never have to adjust it out farther, that stuff will ware for decades moving snow & ice.... :smile:KennyV




Thanks KennyV,

I appriciate the 1/4" baler belt tip.
