Still happy with echo will keep the stihl for fall
Since this whole stihl bashing thread and my response about using echo, we had 2 string trimmers and an echo edger go down. String trimmer 1 wont run unless held wide open, string trimmer 2 feed head busted, and edger only runs half choked. I'm positive it's all easy fixes but i feel the irony right now for just saying how reliable all my echo stuff has been.
Since this whole stihl bashing thread and my response about using echo, we had 2 string trimmers and an echo edger go down. String trimmer 1 wont run unless held wide open, string trimmer 2 feed head busted, and edger only runs half choked. I'm positive it's all easy fixes but i feel the irony right now for just saying how reliable all my echo stuff has been.
Replaced the air filters, and sprayed the 2 running fishy with some carb cleaner and good to go.
I find every other month or so I run 3oz of seafoam per gallon in my 2 cycle petrol avoids the small issues like that. And the carb replace is about once every two years ive run my echo for about 4.5 years. I also replace air filter, fuel filter, lines, breather, grommet, primer bulb, gas tank gasket, spark plug and anything that looks worn annually Before that the company I worked for ran 3 crews fully echo and he did about the same.