cylinder head complete ... $213.xx .... lots less than $1250. If the customer wants it to work properly and will not stand for a slight puff of smoke on startup, then it will cost at least this much to replace the head. Doing the valve stem seal(s) may reduce the puffing. An alternative is to have the valve guides reamed or drilled and new guides pressed into the cylinder head. Then ream the guides to the proper size to fit the valve stem diameter. All of that labor will likely be more than a new cylinder head.
A second alternative, or third.. fourth... would be to find a used head that was in better shape.
I am not on the clock, so I would have taken the head apart when I had it that far, and checked the condition of the valve seats, the fit of the stem to the guide, and certainly replaced the seal. If you want no smoke, you will have to do the 'rope' thing, or remove the head and refurbish is or replace it.
I see no alternatives...