If you were happy with your Toro, by all means....get another one, but I would suggest a Honda. This is because I have had super good experiences with my Honda HRX and I think it has more features than the Toro. That might be one of the reasons it gets better ratings than the Toros, but on a list of the best mowers...there is almost an even number of Hondas and Toros, so they are both good! :thumbsup: If I was to get a Toro mower I would get one with a Honda engine. They are very well built. But if I was to get a mower with a Honda engine that was good, I think getting a Honda mower with a Honda engine would be even better. But again that is just my opinion, and you are choosing from the top 2 mower brands!! :thumbsup:
But whichever brand of mower you get I would try to get one with the 190cc engine. You will be happy with the extra power! :thumbsup: