Toro mower, has its own brain


Forum Newbie
Oct 3, 2013
I would start by removing the carb and giving it a good cleaning. When you put it back together, I would install a new float needle and seat. Part number 631021B. If you decide to got this direction and need help installing the new parts, post back and I'll post a step by step procedure.

Step-by-Step instructions will be really helpful if you have any, I will go ahead and order the Part. Thank you so much.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Here is the procedure that I use, except I have a special factory tool instead of the drill bit and the #5 crotchet tool. Other posts have use it and been successful. Remember this is just my way of doing it.

Needle and seat replacement

Remove the carb, and then remove the float bowl. Check the float bowl jet (which is the bowl screw) and make sure the jets both horizontal and vertical are clean and open. Tip the carb upside down and remove the float pin and float with needle attached. Look in the float needle passage and you should see the red or white float seat at the bottom of the passage. This is where a #5 crotchet hook would come in handy as you need to remove this seat. If you have no hook, but compressed air, you can blow through the fuel inlet and try to pop the seat out. Put your thumb over the passage to prevent the seat from flying who knows where. No air or hook try bending a stiff paper clip to dig the seat out.

With the seat out clean the passage way with carb cleaner. Now you must find a drill bit slightly smaller than the passage way, to be used to press in the new seat. Apply a very, very small amount of a very light lube to the new seat. 3-1 oil or lighter, to help seat it better. Carefully insert the new seat in the passage way with the rings on the seat down toward the carb body. Slowly and carefully force the seat down with the back end of the drill bit. Once it is seated, check to see that it did not flip and the rings are up. If everything looks correct, attach the new needle to the float and install with the float pin centered. It everything is correct, the float should seat level to the carb body, when looking at it upside down. If everything looks good reattach the float bowl, making sure that both the bowl gasket and the nut gasket seal properly. Reinstall on the engine and test unit. Remember to have patience and take your time. Good luck, but I don't think you'll need it.