Took A Few Pics


Jun 24, 2012
Just uploaded a few pictures to my first album.
They are about some of my Propane conversions.
I know everyone likes to see pictures. I know I do.

midnite rider

Lawn Addict
Nov 25, 2011
Just uploaded a few pictures to my first album.
They are about some of my Propane conversions.
I know everyone likes to see pictures. I know I do.

I do too. :welcome: to the forum. Wow 52, thanks for the pics of your conversions to propane. That is a great idea to alleviate the frustrations with stale ethanol laced gas and gummed up carburators. :thumbsup: I would assume that they also have the added benefit of burning a lot cleaner with less air pollution for the enviroment. Your knowledge in these fuel conversions will be invaluable to the forum. Great to have you aboard. About what size are the tanks that you mounted and about what does it equate to in hours of use? Are the tanks you used pretty much equal to say 5 gallons of gasoline? I like how you were able to get the conversion under the hood on the Poulan tractor. How long would a small refillable bottle such as used on a lantern last on the tractors? I noticed that is what was used on a line trimmer that I assume was 4 cycle. Thanks again.
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Jun 24, 2012
Actually I'm pretty new at the propane game myself. Everything that I converted was over the last 18 months but i did learn a lot. I did try those small lantern type tanks on the push mowers originally. Turned out to be a bad idea. I was mowing grass and the mower shut off. Turned out that the whole top of the tank vibrated off. I could watch the liquid propane boiling in the tank. I just let it set till it all boiled away. took about a half hour. That's when i went to the 1 gallon tanks for the smaller stuff. Much safer I think. The riding mowers have the grill type tanks which are 5 gallon i guess. I seem to get about the same cutting time per gallon as gasoline. With the tank being bigger i don't have to stop as often though. The larger regulator looking device is realy the brains of it all. A one time adjustment of the valve feeding the carb. and no more ajusting from idle to full speed. Quick starts clean oil and always ready to go. You can throw away the choke too because its not needed any more. I'm sure no expert on this but there are a lot of smarter people on the internet that can give you more facts than me.