I have an HU700H pushmower. It's about 6 years old maybe. I bought it brand new. It's a rear wheel drive model with a honda motor. Overall it's an excellent mower but man, they weren't thinking when they designed the oil drain! It's so short, and at a 45° angle, so as you tip it over, the oil starts gushing out before the spout can possibly be over a drain pain. It's terrible. Last weekend when I changed my oil, I spilled oil ALL OVER the place. It was a real mess! If they just put a vertical filler on top like every other motor, it would be so much simpler to drain.
Attached is a photo from the oil change. Some of the oil is getting in the pan :/ It was actually much worse than that photo makes it look. The spout either needs to be longer or at a different angle. So annoying.