Timemaster 30"


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
I bought the 10685 LawnBoy from Kerrys 6 years ago, and the Honda from Home Depot a week earlier . Just like today, the better units seem to be only at the dealers.
The Honda had a hopelessly defective grass catcher....
But this defect was overlooked by Consumers Report....they should stick with toasters and vacuum-cleaners...
Kerrys is good, very good, IMO.
I do not like the big box stores in general. I know that HD trains a camera on their employees...so where is the trust ?
So, today, its off to Kerrys to check out the 30" Toro and to hopefully buy a new better blade for the LB.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
In my opinion Those who use Home Depot are looking for price breaks and not quality. Toro has no price breaks for anyone and all sellers are to abide by pricing guidelines. So why buy there? Very easy to complain at HD. They will take returns for any reason valid or not. We use to do warranty work for them, but they droped us and all dealers in the area, because we would not warranty everything for them. Take a guess how many people brought back mowers and snowblowers which ran tight because the purchaser never put in oil. HD just gave them a new unit and then wanted us to do the repairs under warranty. Didn't happen. If you really think Toro has quality control problems take a look at the number of threads posted on this forum under each manufacturer. You may want to jump to a conclusion at this time, but I don't feel that by posting that conclusion you are doing a disservice to the members and bashing a manufacturer without good reasons. Only MY OPINION and maybe I haven't worked on enough different machines to base that opinion on. Might be wrong, time will tell.
Ilengine has the good points.....

Imagine if automobiles were sold by the big box stores.
This was tried back in the 50s; remember the HenryJ and the Allstate ??
Now its lawn mowers with stereo and air conditioning !
All the manufacturers seem to have QC problems , to a lesser or greater extent..
IMO, the voice of the people should NOT be silenced...but, I will change the complaint level from 10% to 2%...and I do not think the big-box stores help this any..
Kerrys of Mechanicsberg is sold out of the Timemaster 30"....as is PED
I wish to do my own test of this machinery...I do not trust Consumers Reports...they should only test toasters and vacuums...


Forum Newbie
May 8, 2012
I bought the Toro Timemaster 30"mower; previously had a Honda twin blade mower.
The Timemaster absolutely has the edge on cutting time with the 30" cut.
Handling of the Timemaster is equal if not better than the Hondaeven given its size.
Hands down, the Honda mulched better than the Timemaster.
I have cut my lawn at least 10 times this year with the new Timemaster and there is an issue with clumping of the grass under the deck. I believe there is a design problem with the Timemaster as far as how the grass catches up under the deck.
It is not that the Timemaster does not cut the grass into fine particles. The mulchings are very fine but they get hung up and then clump out as you mow.
I've been cutting grass for over 35 years and am fairly particular about my yard/grass.
Very disappointed in amount of grass under deck at end of mowing.
The washout port does not eliminate all the grass. You have to scrape out clumps before using hose and washout port.
Would not recommend this mower and it hurts to say this as all guys like to brag about how good their equipment is; especially after putting out $1000.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
During bagging or mulching....not so good.
I think some spray on the deck might help, I have not tried this.
Like you, Car... , I wish for the lawn to look good.
Mowing and shooting all over the place is not for me, and not good for the lawn either.
Number one, but I tried one and it was terrible - problems with the bag...and the drive system was not very good.....the LB was much better.
And buying from a dealer (Kerrys) was much better...
Unfortunately, they are sold out of the 30" units..
Another solution to this problem is to make the lawn smaller, which I am doing....so I'll keep the LBs.
The other is a two-stroke, good for the "miles " of trimming around buildings and beds.


Forum Newbie
Oct 17, 2012
Lets see where to start. I bought my timemaster and use it on the front line everyday, I think its a great affordable machine. I bought it from my local dealer and I wish I would have gotten it from a hd just for the one problem I had with my machine. One month after I bought my machine I noticed a gas leak from the muffler , I took it to the dealer I bought it from a certified toro dealer and it sat there for a week before they looked at it which I know isnt toros fault , but when they did fianlly look at it they advised that the carb needed to be rebuilt saying that I must have put something other than gas in because the carb gaskets pretty much dissolved. I only get my gas at speedway where I have my account. Then they advise its not covered under warrenty and hit me for 300 on top of the 1000 I paid for it. Wasnt happy at all , but other then that , the mower is great , havent had any issues or problems. Two thumbs up .


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I got an issue with your dealer, don't think he was looking out for Toro's or your best interest. Just wanted to line his pocket. $300 for a carb rebuild is totally out of line. I'll bet Toro was not even contacted about the problem and the dealer made that decision on his own. I would contact Toro directly and find another dealer.


Forum Newbie
Oct 17, 2012
Yea , I def found another dealer . I also found my problem with my toro on other lawn care fourums and people were charged , when they contacted toro it was said that fuel related issues are not under warrenty , which I feel that is total bs . So to answer the issue to the 300 dollar charge , was I put it on a company credit card and disputed charges and didnt have to pay a dime , but it was aggravatting to deal with . So know I have a new dealer .


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I understand what you are saying. I deal with Toro a lot. Your old dealer dropped it on you, because he did not want to deal with it. We have dealers in our area that do the same thing and it gives all of us a bad rep. This problem is not covered under the Toro warranty. He should have contacted Briggs, as it is an engine problem and it he should have been working with them. All engine manufacturers are searching for a material that doesn't interact with all the different levels and types of achohol being used in fuel today. I have seen this problem caused by bad fuel and by carbs where the seat was not installed correctly. The one thing we advise all our customers is to use non ethynal fuel when ever possible. I know that it is not available in all areas of the country and you may have to do some searching, but it does help. Have even found that certain brands of fuel causes more problems than others. Can't say which, because we can't prove it, that's why recommend non ethynal when ever possible, no additives unless you have a specific problem, try to use within 30 days and drain at the end of the season.


Forum Newbie
Mar 17, 2013
The timemaster 30" is a timed blade walk behind mower build for LAWN not paddock grass
If u have 500 metres or more of Nice grass it is a great mower
this video http://http://www.mowersgalore.com.au/lawnmowers/toro-recycler-timemaster shows the kind of lawn
that this mower is suitable for
I have one at home and my girlfriend can you use it even in the tight conditions
please notice even tho it had just rained how good of a job it does mulching
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