I picked it up the other day, it's the MoJack EZ The cost was $199.99 / $213 and change with tax. I purchased it at Tractor Supply. If You check this site TheMojack.com - Home you can watch the videos on both models the EZ and the Pro and it will tell you where you can purchase it in your area, I'm not sure but I'd check several of there distributors because the prices may vary with location. I can tell you the thing is sweet to use, makes everything simple. :thumbsup:
I had one. They are actually made in China, like so much of what we buy today. I never felt comfortable using the thing. Sold it a few weeks ago to a co-worker. He loves it.
I had one. They are actually made in China, like so much of what we buy today. I never felt comfortable using the thing. Sold it a few weeks ago to a co-worker. He loves it.
I would think they make them there... that address is an industrial zoned place and is definitely a manufacturing type facility... I will have to go by and check it out first chance I get... :smile:KennyV
thanks for the feedback Ric,next time I'm in town I'll stop at T.S.C. to check it out. russ