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The Front Porch song




What kind of music do you guys like listening to, while you're working? I recently found I heart radio. Very few commercials. And lots of musicians I like.
For example, I'm a huge Robert Earl Keen fan. Who sings this song below. I've also gotten into liking a lot of Hayes Carles stuff. Especially "Another like you." with Carry Ann Hearst, who's got one of THE best voices since the Dixie Chicks lead singer.




I listen to Spotify alot, has everything from Podcasts to new and classic music.
I prefer country from the 70's to early 90s.




Don't do face book or any other social media, bon't buy newspapers , so it is the government owned radio station during working hours.
After hours I have an open reel deck with 200 tapes .
Nothing much latter than 1999 .




When I was trucking, I LOVED old radio classics like Gunsmoke, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, Sherlock Holmes. They even had radio versions of some movies, like Casablanca and others.

But here in the shop, it just music.
