Thanks for the reply and information. This carb has no solenoid and is brand new. I agree it seems to be a fuel issue but not sure where to look. I have purchased other carbs for push mowers and it was basically out of box and onto the mower...fired right up and ran great.
I will give the carb cleaner suggestion a try and see what happens...confused as i am getting gas into the bowl, so assuming its some adjustment on the carb?
Thank you.
Problem: Mower cranks ok, but wont start up.
Just curious, if u take off the air filter and hold a sheet of paper over the air inlet and crank and while it is firing, does the paper flap up and down or only pulled down??
OOh I like that one.
Another special tool to add to the call out tool kit.
Use only Briggs and Stratton paper.I did this to quick test(and later would fix) for warped valves or valves not closing in general etc.
quicker than taking the head off and checking.
Like everyone else I am here to learn, which is why i came here in the first place and every piece of information and different way of doing things is some good leaarning, for which I duely thank you.
Like everyone else I am here to learn, which is why i came here in the first place and every piece of information and different way of doing things is some good leaarning, for which I duely thank you.
"I really enjoy the challenge of fixing things."
omerta14- for starters, u can run the valve seal test without the ignition coil- obviously it just won't fire but it might tell u why it won't start. If u *REALLY* want to fiddle more with it, I actually came across a 10hp tecumseh similar to yours (just no OHV) where the ignition coil post also broke off. If there is some post left, on mine i filed it down just so it is flat and tapped the post (be careful not to drill through into the cylinder) and added a spacer. Get longer (10-24??) screw thus 2nd post back to hold the coil. I used it for a few years(left it with the apt building when i sold it.) If you can find someone, u can also weld on the broken piece (shows welding is the one equip i dont have).
Like the *REALLY* in your reply...When I saw that post brake I almost tossed in the towel lol. I like the idea of trying to flatten out the post and tap... will test the valve seal as mentioned because if that is hosed, not sure its worth pursuing this any further...
Thanks for your feedback.
.Now it was running but rough...periodic air bursts back up into the air cleaner......