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Tecumseh OHV16.5 help




I have a Tecumseh Enduro 16.5 hp OHV engine that was only running on full choke, it has the non adjustable carb. I have put on new carb, adjusted valves, replace plug/fuel lines/filter and now it starts but stalls out right away. Aynthing else I could try?




Is the fuel solenoid on the carb working.




The original didn't have the solenoid so I took the screw/spring off that carb & replace the solenoid from new carb with them.




Can't do that, the main jets are different. Put the original solenoid back in and you will have to wire 12V into to the kill circuit.




Can't do that, the main jets are different. Put the original solenoid back in and you will have to wire 12V into to the kill circuit.

Oregon products provided me the instructions to convert it to non-solenoid float. They didn't say to take the jet out however and use the old one.




I'm not talking about changing jets, you must wire the fuel solenoid in.




The procedure is to remove the screw and install the solenoid on what I am assuming is the plastic bowl carb. You should be able to remove the solenoid from a new carb and put the screw back in its place. I am thinking you have a problem with not getting fuel into the engine for some reason, or possibly a compression problem.




it is the plastic bowl and I have replaced the solenoid with the screw from the old carb. The mower did not have solenoid in the carb. I have checked compression and it is good. I did have it running fairly well for once with the old carb after I cleaned it, but the next day...wouldnt start without startin fluid and only ran again on full choke. New carb fired right up and ran for a while, but now will only start and stalls out pretty much right away. I have loosened the gas cap also. I adjusted the valves to .004". I agree it would be a fuel problem, but have run out of ideas to try. I was thinking that the flywheel key may be off? Or exhaust port clogged? I got this mower and do not really know how well it ran before. I know it did set outside a bit before I got it and brought it inside for the winter. I've had it running on full choke enough to mow my yard, but now dead in the water.




I have the same engine. And got a new carb. Did the switch with the solenoid and it would not run. I put the solenoid back in and ran 12 volts to it. Now runs like new




I'll have to give it a try...wonder why if it didnt come with one originally, it wouldnt work with the change? anyway...I will try to hook up a temporary patch hook up to the battery to test. If it works, how did you wire it up for good?




I'll have to give it a try...wonder why if it didnt come with one originally, it wouldnt work with the change? anyway...I will try to hook up a temporary patch hook up to the battery to test. If it works, how did you wire it up for good?

I ran it in with the wire for the lights.




Good idea...so you have to have the switch for the light on all the time?




Good idea...so you have to have the switch for the light on all the time?
Sorry I should have explained better. Use the power wire going into the light switch It only has power When the key is on.




I have no switch for my lights...everything runs the key switch. Couldn't I simply install the solenoid without wiring, then cut the plunger shaft of the solenoid and kinda of creating a bypass?




I have no switch for my lights...everything runs the key switch. Couldn't I simply install the solenoid without wiring, then cut the plunger shaft of the solenoid and kinda of creating a bypass?

Yes you can cut the tab off.




So I cut the plunger off the solenoid and put it back on the carb and it started. Ran pretty decent, but with really no adjustment when throttle moved up or down, and with little power. I played around with the different pilots, springs, and bolts/solenoids until I got one that I liked. The length of the bolt (along with different length spring) really made differences. Maybe it was the displacement that the different length bolts provided in the bowl? Anyway...I did get the front of my lawn mowed (barely made it up some inclines) until I ran low on gas. The mower did have "lapses of clarity" were it ran fantastic with full power, but when I messed with throttle, it went back to running very weak...some times the mower couldn't handle the blades turned on. So, I am not sure if I am any closer to solving this conundrum or not. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.




I have it running and got my grass mowed, but only if I gave it a boost once in a while with the governor lever. Ran strong until I had to stop or back up, then back to punkie no power. I tried to start today and wouldn't start without starter fluid boost. Once running, I had very little throttle, slow to fast, with the lever. It just ran pretty high rpm with no governor kicking in upgrades or with blades engaged. Shut it off looking for help here.
