We have cut down some small trees in our back yard. Anyone know what we can use to take out the stumps? I don't want to hire a stump removal person, I would like to purchase something as we have a lot more trees to take down.
Any tractor or something like that with a tool on it?
A tractor with a backhoe would be the best tool but that would be some serious bucks. Perhaps you could find one at a rental store?
If you want to buy A machine to take them out look up DRstumpgrinder.com They will send you A catalog with there product line.
i have no financial interest in DR and have not used there stump grinder but it sure looks like A winner on there DVD.
I do own 2 of there brush mowers and I couldn't be happier with them.
You could also consider A heavy duty weed wacker with A saw blade attachment. I have A Stihl 020AV that I have used to cut 3" stumps out but I wouldn't want to do it on A regular bases.
P.S. Or buy A Case 1845C skid loader like I did. A bit overkill for stump pulling but A lot of fun in the woods!
I am a religious DIY'er who will try ANYTHING before calling in a contractor. With stumps, I've gone both routes, and I'm of the opinion that DIY is simply not worth it in this case. Whenever I cut down a tree (usually several per year), I call in a contractor to remove the stump. Last week I had him come in and remove three stumps (12" diameter). With his remote-controlled robotic grinder, it took him 15 minutes and he took them down to the point that I could actually plant another tree there if I wanted. At $70, that's almost a no-brainer. Last year I organized with the neighbors for a group deal, and we got 30+ stumps done for around $400.
Our neighbor has a backhoe. I never thought about asking him to come in and do it. I'm thinking it will be pretty messy right? I don't really want to dig up a lot of the yard- just remove the stumps. Do you think it will mess up the yard? I think it would pull the roots of the trees out of the ground.
If I had to take out a tree stump I would call my mother. She just took a stump out of her front yard with nothing but her bare hands and a trowel.
To be fair, it was actually a bush stump, but it was pretty much the same as a small tree. The first thing she did was cut all of the branches near the base at the ground. (It looked like mammoth ribs). Then she spent the next week digging down about two feet to where the roots had become about the thickness of a carrot.
Finally she used hedge clippers to clip each of the roots at that point. I don't know how she hauled it out of the hole since she doesn't have a truck or chains. I just know she is one tough momma. Perhaps it will work for others?
Another way to get ridge of stump is burn them out but you have to be carefull and depends where you live, i live in the country and on a acerage. But it doesn't work very well they have to be in the right condition and the weather has to be right to not to windy not to still so the ashes blow away as it burns. I don't think it will work good for you at all. You can put some chemical on them to but its not a good idea too they don't work good either. Stump grinder will be the best for you just rent one when you get some done and grind out a lot of them.
Do a google search for "NORTHERN TOOL SUPPLY". They have several tools ranging from hand stump pullers to heavy duty ones you hook to the tractor. :thumbsup:
I have owned some fair sized Cat equipment... even my big track equipment was not a good match for 'pulling' stumps. They can be very stuck, and you need to do a lot of digging to remove them.
A standing tree can be pushed over with a crawler or excavator, taking the root ball along with it... But you are actually using the bulk of the tree to assist, like a big lever.
Stumps are tough to remove, grinding them down is the most cost efficient way to be rid of them in the shortest time, with the least disturbance of the area around it. KennyV
We have about 10 stumps (cut low-low-low to the ground) in our yard. My husband said we'd rent a stump grinder but that was 5 years ago. Nowadays they are to the point a tractor could push them out because they are rotted and soft.
Burning them out? Seriously how does that work? We had a stump removed when we first moved here and we threw the stump on the burn pile. I have to say it's still there (smaller but still there), it's been 5 years.
Back in the day before everyone got scared of everything you could go down to the hardware and buy a couple of sticks of dynamite to work out a stump. Using about 1/2 stick at a time a stump could be loosened up enough to pull out easily with a tractor. The noise wasn't much louder than a shotgun blast. With a little common sense no one got hurt and it was pretty fun!:confused2:
I have to say, I love Red Green. Very nice!:laughing: On the issue of tree stumps, you can drill deep into the stump and it will rot quicker that way. The stump grinder is the best thing if you want to do it right away, As far as pulling them out, nothing beats a team of good Percherons. :biggrin:
I would check with your local Home Depot or Rental shop and see if they have any machines to use. Sometimes they require a hefty down payment though so I would shop around.
Now I love the thought of using Dynamite on them! I bet I would not blow myself up either! Ok well maybe I would. I'm thinking of drilling out the middle of them. Maybe I could start them on fire after.
I have a Kubota BX23 and use the backhoe to remove stumps in my yard. My trees are typically in the 8-20in range. Using a backhoe can take a while, and yes, it leaves a hole. You have to have some dirt to fill in where the stump was after removing it.
I'd say, if you don't already own the equipment, going the stump grinder route is the least expensive and easiest way of doing it. :thumbsup: