As a hobbyist myself, i have bought and am ok with carbs from HK. So far 8??for8 and they all run fine.
When i got my HS80s and FS80s, i tried a quick troubleshooting on the carb with no go before replacing and Viola!!!
It has been a few years since i did these and they still run fine.
I could understand for a person who does this for a living to get a part that they know passed QC with Zama on it, but for me and $5 with return \credit gaurantee, I'm game- i keep 2 laying around for future new finds...
Won't get that down here.
Can not count the number of times some one has come in with an "unfixable " piece of gear even after they have fitted a brand new carb.
They pressure test fine then when pulled down have things like butterflys fitted backwards, holes missing from the body, totally wrong pump fitted, no check vale in the body ( that was a hard one to find ).
All of them came off Evilbay and down here once delivered that is it, no returns.
Paypal some times does the right thing but it is fairly hard when you claim the item is defective.
If what you have in your hand looks identical to what was on their photos then you bought what was described as "the picture is part of the description" so it is your fault.
Some of the stuff will be good, some of the stuff will be bad but it is a lottery to find who is selling what.
So the golden rule is no branding on the carb, or packaging , most likely junk.
The profit margins in China are very small so there is no such thing as scrap.
If Poulan rejects a batch of carbs then the batch gets sold as "Poulan OEM carbrettors" , quite true.
Usually they will be bought by a disposal company who will on sell them as "fits Poulan model ABC", also true.
Then they end up at an online retailer, many of which vanish once the stock is all sold.
You have been lucky so far or are buying from a person who knows what they are selling is good.
So if Guy buys parts wholesaled by one of the real distributors mentions who have real buildings and real staff and real insurance thus offer real guarantees then he will get a good part.
If he buys from an fictious on line shop then it is quite frankly pot luck.
I used to run distribution warehouses and we unloaded containers from China, India, Brazil etc etc etc, packed the stuff on pallets then sent them to the final purchaser.
After being burned a few times, we demanded cash up front before we opened the boxes , let alone sorted & stored the goods.
Nothing left the warehouse unless we were paid up front because a month latter a lot of the bank accounts had been closed down and the phone numbers no longer connected.
In most cases I never saw our clients, they rang up, got a quote then rang back with collection details and set up the financials.
If it were up to me I would have nothing to do with them, but I just ran the place and the money we made from selling the excess capacity kept our running cost down.
The invoices / reciepts that went with the goods, were very professional looking many showed a warehouse with the brand name on it and a fleet of branded vehicles, none of which existed anywhere but inside the printer.
I have no idea which on line retailers down here in OZ are good and which are shonks because I only deal with factories or wholesalers thus the reply Guy was given
Now if you went on like, the vendors looked like they were a big well established company whenin reality they were one scumbag with a laptop and all of the photos of stock, & buildings & workers, were faked