"Where do you draw the line between a Compact Utility Tractor and a Utility Tractor".....:laughing::laughing:
Category 2 3-point hitch? :tongue:
You guys should know by now about my weird sense of humor. Actually I didn't START a new thread, just made a new post at the end of my "Draw the line between GT and CUT" thread. In the post I joked about starting the new CUT vs UT thread there. The TBN member who made the next to last post in the thread was talking about his UT, which gave me the idea. Sorry, Muhammad, I couldn't resist the idea of kidding the guys here. Sent from mobile.
"Where do you draw the line between a Compact Utility Tractor and a Utility Tractor".....:laughing::laughing:
Cup holder big enough for a bottle of Maker's Mark?