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Snapper S-50X pro




Folks, Looking at a Snapper S-50x Pro, 48 inch with a Kawasaki engine, anyone familiar with this model, just mowing 1 acre at home twice weekly.
I was looking at the Kubota Kommander for the same price, $5000.00, not sure which one to pursue.
Thank your for your time..........Ron




Folks, Looking at a Snapper S-50x Pro, 48 inch with a Kawasaki engine, anyone familiar with this model, just mowing 1 acre at home twice weekly.
I was looking at the Kubota Kommander for the same price, $5000.00, not sure which one to pursue.
Thank your for your time..........Ron

The s50xt is plenty of mower for 1 acre. I have a 48" s150xt that I cut 4.2 acres with. It also has the fx 600v engine. Has plenty of power. I mowed my lawn yesterday after a heavy rain from the night before with no problems. Had been 8 days since it was last mowed, so the grass was pretty tall as well. The icd deck leaves a great cut. I can get a little better price than $5000 in my area. Around here you can get an s125xt with a 60" deck for $5500. That is way more mower than you need, but you may want to shop prices for the s50xt. Very good mowers though. The kommander is also a very good mower.




I just realized the better price was for the commercial turf engine. $5000 isn't bad for the fx series Kawi.




Shughes717, Thank you for such a quick reply, I have been worrying about which one until I have lost most of my hair. Ha!Ha! Most of my hair was gone before I started this.
I really need to just flip a coin and quit worrying, I'm sure which ever one I pick will last me and mow as well as the other.
The best mower I have ever had was the John Deere as far as making the lawn look like a golf course, but our dealer has turned sour.
You just don't see Snapper mowers around these parts, everyone uses Toro, Scag, Exmark, Bad Boy, Dixie Chopper and John Deere.
We have a good dealer that handles the Snapper.
Thanks again!




Shughes717, Thank you for such a quick reply, I have been worrying about which one until I have lost most of my hair. Ha!Ha! Most of my hair was gone before I started this.
I really need to just flip a coin and quit worrying, I'm sure which ever one I pick will last me and mow as well as the other.
The best mower I have ever had was the John Deere as far as making the lawn look like a golf course, but our dealer has turned sour.
You just don't see Snapper mowers around these parts, everyone uses Toro, Scag, Exmark, Bad Boy, Dixie Chopper and John Deere.
We have a good dealer that handles the Snapper.
Thanks again!

You are right in thinking you will be fine with either one. I don't know if you have ever seen ferris mowers in your area, but Snapper pro and ferris are both owned by Briggs & Stratton. They are almost identical, except for the independent suspension on the ferris. Great mowers.




The same dealer that handles the Snapper Handles the Ferris, I don't understand how the suspension works, seems if the right front wheel hits a bump the wheel will come up and the deck will go down and make an uneven cut.
I don't know it just seems logical.
The same dealer also handles the Exmark, but they are suggesting that I get something else because the home owners models are not as good as the other brands.




The same dealer that handles the Snapper Handles the Ferris, I don't understand how the suspension works, seems if the right front wheel hits a bump the wheel will come up and the deck will go down and make an uneven cut.
I don't know it just seems logical.
The same dealer also handles the Exmark, but they are suggesting that I get something else because the home owners models are not as good as the other brands.

I read that all the time about the ferris. If you get on uneven ground with a rigid frame mower one of the front wheels will lift off the ground and raise that side of the deck (has happened to me). The deck on commercial mowers are chain hung and there are anti scalping wheels, so the deck floats. I can tell you from experience that ferris mowers leave a great cut like the other mowers. The deck is the same one that's on snapper pro. I can say though that the low end ferris suspensions dont give the same smooth ride as the is2100 and up do. I don't have a problem with exmark, but you do get more mower for your money with the snapper pro. The fx series is the top of the line Kawi. I am very pleased with mine.




The s50xt is plenty of mower for 1 acre. I have a 48" s150xt that I cut 4.2 acres with. It also has the fx 600v engine. Has plenty of power. I mowed my lawn yesterday after a heavy rain from the night before with no problems. Had been 8 days since it was last mowed, so the grass was pretty tall as well. The icd deck leaves a great cut. I can get a little better price than $5000 in my area. Around here you can get an s125xt with a 60" deck for $5500. That is way more mower than you need, but you may want to shop prices for the s50xt. Very good mowers though. The kommander is also a very good mower.

I bought a 61" Snapperpro mower late summer. Any of the big named mowers will cut great. My family members use hustler and gravely. I for one believe that the snapper pro mowers offer the best bang for your buck, not to mention the ICD deck does leave a great looking cut. I'm very pleased with the Snapper brand..




Well guys, I'm surprised this blog is still up. I have had my Snapper pro 50 for a year and I haven't found any reason to buy anything else.
The mower has performed flawlessly, the only problem I have is on a steep slope the rear wheel will spin if not careful because the casters in the front want to go into a different direction when you try to turn uphill.
Probably the same with any of them, but not sure.......Ron




Well guys, I'm surprised this blog is still up. I have had my Snapper pro 50 for a year and I haven't found any reason to buy anything else. The mower has performed flawlessly, the only problem I have is on a steep slope the rear wheel will spin if not careful because the casters in the front want to go into a different direction when you try to turn uphill. Probably the same with any of them, but not sure.......Ron

Glad you are still happy with it.
All ztr mowers have the same problem.
The front wheels want to go down the hill.




Well guys, I'm surprised this blog is still up. I have had my Snapper pro 50 for a year and I haven't found any reason to buy anything else.
The mower has performed flawlessly, the only problem I have is on a steep slope the rear wheel will spin if not careful because the casters in the front want to go into a different direction when you try to turn uphill.
Probably the same with any of them, but not sure.......Ron

Glad to hear you are pleased with your choice of mowers. When you get to that slope you may have to mow it up , or down hill. I wouldn't suggest doing it over a long steep slope, as you can lose traction going down hill and potentially roll over, but it is fine on a short sloped area. I have a slope like that with a utility pole in it. I mow up it diagonally, and slowly ease downhill at a diagonal angle around the pole.
